By Dr. Marta Adelsman
Life Coach in Communication and Consciousness
(February 14, 2018)
I haven’t discussed politics in my articles, and – don’t worry – I’m not going to start now! Chances are, at some time in the last year or two, you felt apprehensive, and maybe you feel some angst now. I write this to readers at all aspects of the political spectrum who want to stay peaceful during times of intense shifts. Remaining peaceful requires knowing how to avoid the rocky shoals of emotional upset and panic.
We live in a world of polarities. Humanity supports concepts of separation, like hot-cold, happy-sad, right-wrong, Republican-Democrat, old-young, good-bad. There exists a place beyond these divisions, a space of no-mind where we can access true inner peace. In this state, no polarities exist and everything is One. It’s called Being, or Essence, or God (pick your favorite). The more we shift our focus at will to that peaceful space which we Are, the more we avoid becoming hung up on the rocks of fear and foreboding.
Here are some ways to move into that peace.
First, breathe. Whenever we notice physical or emotional tension, we can’t remain anxious if we take deep breaths and consciously relax. This helps to close the polarity gap and allows us to open inwardly to qualities of Oneness – like non-judgment, acceptance, love, joy, etc.
Second, remain in the present moment. We can remind ourselves of what’s true now. If the mind has propelled itself into future “what-ifs” and worst-case political scenarios, remember – they aren’t happening now. (And if they are happening now, see the next paragraph!) We can stay out of those messy, purposeless thoughts that lead to fear. Simply say, “In this moment…” followed by what we know to be true now.
Third, accept what is. Resistance to what-is causes suffering. I like to view the goings-on in the world as a play being acted out on the stage of humanity. When I look at the play from the perspective of that space where no opposites exist – where there is only one essence of everything – I see it as entertainment.
Fourth, trust. Trust the benevolence of Being, that it has only love and wisdom for everyone. Governments and elected officials come and go. The only permanent and unchangeable reality is Being. All divisions come together in Being, a space where we can’t possibly judge and make others wrong.
Candidates, presidents and the world stage are not the source of our inner disquiet. Nor are they the source of our happiness and joy. We can’t blame them for our feelings, thoughts or beliefs – political or otherwise.
My disquiet reflects something in me. That I can do something about. I can become genuinely curious about – and study – my own reactions to world actors and scenarios.
When I do, I open the door to transcending my reactions.