Bear Howard: If we’re not a nation empowered by the energy of new immigrants, are we then an aging and dying nation?

Sedona, AZ — Should Trump move forward with his proposed agenda, it would mark a dramatic shift in American immigration policy—targeting millions of undocumented immigrants and redefining the nation’s approach to newcomers.
Trump’s bleak perspective on immigration has defined his political career since launching his first presidential campaign in 2015. His rhetoric has raised concerns that his immigration agenda is rooted in an idealized fantasy of racial purity. In a speech last December, he claimed migrants entering the U.S. are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Last month, he stated that undocumented immigrants who commit murder have “bad genes.” His use of dog-whistle language has fueled his appeal to those who fear that dark-skinned people will soon become the majority in America, replacing “European-descendent Whites.”
He has also indicated that he is willing to use the military to round up undocumented immigrants, detain them in camps if necessary, and deport them to their countries of origin. This approach seems to target all undocumented immigrants, including college graduates, engineers, and individuals from China, India, Europe, and, of course, those “from down south.”
For a clearer understanding of the scope of undocumented immigrants in the U.S., read this article: [Profile of the Unauthorized Population in the U.S.]
Another key fact: approximately half of the newly undocumented population consists of individuals who overstayed their visas rather than entering the country illegally by climbing over, under, or through border barriers. Efforts to curtail undocumented immigration by building a wall will do little to address this issue, as many individuals enter legally as students, tourists, or temporary workers before overstaying their visas.
The United States lacks a national citizenship registration system, and the law presumes innocence until proven guilty. President-elect Trump’s proposal to bypass these constitutional protections could involve a years-long effort to remove an estimated 11+ million unauthorized individuals. Many crossed the border, fleeing unlivable conditions, seeing the pursuit of the American Dream as a life-or-death goal. Deportation efforts will undoubtedly face fierce resistance from many, including those who voted for the mass deportation agenda.
Many of these undocumented live, work, and contribute to the American Dream, often taking jobs that many Americans deem undesirable. While Trump may believe he has control over all three branches of government, he will likely discover that many Americans will not support efforts to circumvent established laws and doctrines. Fulfilling these promises may prove far more difficult than he and his associates anticipate.
In the last election, Americans emphasized inflation and the economy as their top concerns. Ironically, the U.S. is now experiencing one of its strongest economies in generations, but Trump’s tariff policies threaten to destabilize the global economy, potentially harming the very people who voted for him. Many may have supported him out of frustration with societal challenges rather than genuine admiration for the man himself.
That said, we must resist. Now is the time to urge local governments to refuse participation in a national Gestapo-like roundup of undocumented individuals. Silence and inaction from citizens and government agencies will lead to complacency.
Trump’s victory margin was 2,602,241 votes—a mere 1.8% of those who voted. Of 245 million eligible voters, 150 million participated, yielding a 64% turnout. This small margin of victory will define the next four years for the entire country. Is this narrow result a mandate to redefine America’s 248-year history, shaped by the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution?
Trump’s vision for America does not reflect the ideals of our founding fathers. Supporters of democracy must regroup and pressure local governments to reject Trump’s immigration policies. Police departments should refuse to act as agents of ICE.
Most Americans trace their roots to immigrants. Over the past 248 years, immigration—documented and undocumented—has fueled America’s strength, vitality, and growth, making it an admired global leader. Yet now, we seem intent on shutting the door on the very source of our power and prestige.
2024 Election Scorecard:
- Population: Over 334 million
- Donald Trump: 76,429,164 votes (50.1%)
- Kamala Harris: 73,736,923 votes (48.3%)
- Trump Victory Margin: 2,602,241 votes (1.8%)
Is this slim margin a mandate to rewrite our 248-year story?
Like the Romans before us, is the decline of America upon us?
Note: The next installment of the Bear Howard Chronicles will explore the legal protections available to citizens and non-citizens when interacting with authorities, such as local police and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
1 Comment
One need not be a fortune teller to get the answers you seek. The Draft Dodging Treasonous Insurrectionist Impeached Felon and his Criminal Co-Conspirators have been saying exactly what they plan to do. They have people like Black Shirt Bannon and Camp Capo Stephan Miller plotting and planning a Fourth Reich and the destruction of our Nation. Meanwhile Putin is waiting in the wings with Dump’s other Criminal Co-Conspirators Xi, Un, Modi, Meloni and the Ayatollah awaiting our inevitable Un Civil War so they can step in and crush the Western powers that have ruled the planet since WWII and the end of the Cold War.
MAGGOTS like Lisa Merkowski keep stating how surprised and alarmed they are by ill Douchebags cabinet choices, Project Destroy M’erica 2025 and all the criminality of the first Dump Monarchy such as the Assault on the Capitol, Fake Electors, Armed intimidation at polling stations and all the things every othe DICKtator in history has ever done to ensure they have absolute power and immunity from prosecution.
Fortunately there is NO immunity from Karma and one day these MAGGOT Clowns will all hopefully meet Karma. No Dump Bible can save them for they have truly sinned. They have welcomed Fascism and Criminality and will soon live in the Police State they ASSumed they wanted but were woefully misinformed and lied too about.
Born Catholic? How about Protestant? Maybe Muslim or Jew? Did you vote for the Orange Moron? Well guess what, your faith has NO place in Pseudo Evangelical White Power M’erica. So guess what? You voted for your own oppression!
Poor? Struggling to make ends meet? Did you vote for the gold plated toilet, resort owning grifter of all thing cheaply made in Chyyyna? You voted for Tax breaks for he and his wealthiest of Criminal Associates like Afrikaner Boer Elon!
Did you vote for the Adulterous Womanizer, glutton and thief? You too voted for your own oppression! You will not get a Tax break! Your kids will not get fed in school if they cannot afford to pay the lunch bill.
In 1991-1995 Slobbered On Milosovic and his Criminal Conspirators attempted a Hitleresque MAGGOT style purge of the Balkans. Brother killed Brother, Neighbor killed Neighbor, Women were kidnapped tortured and raped then forced to have children with Serbian criminals, mass detentions and deportations were the norm followed by genocidal mass killings and the now infamous mass graves. Religion was limited to Serbian Orthodox Catholicism all other faiths were made verboten. Entire cities were obliterated, homes and land stolen etc.
The very same history is clearly the goal of the MAGGOTS.
They foolishly expect those who didn’t drink the MAGGOT Kool Aid to just accept their plans, roll over and remain silent unless we agree with their lies and conspiratorial nonsense narrative. Ain’t gonna happen!
Fascism may succeed in global domination temporarily this time but nobody has to make it easy for them. The heroic French and Italian Partisan resistances were and are perfect examples of how people who aren’t Fascist psychopaths can successfully combat the ignorance of their oppressors! It was the Italian Partisans under Fiorentini who ultimately led to Mussolini and Family’s capture and inverted downfall.
Seig Heil! I mean MAGA right?
Same difference! Just slogans of the weak and feeble minded whose only power is fear and hate and symbols of hate and fear.
MAGGOTS claim that Democracy is non existent and all governments fail. Well guess what that means? MAGA and the MAGGOTS are doomed to fail as well. Let’s help them fail rapidly by continuing to expose their crimes, lies, disinformation and propaganda!