Sedona AZ (January 27, 2017) – The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley is sponsoring a series of four multi-media workshops on Spanish (Sephardic) Jews and the Inquisition. The workshops shall be conducted by educator and synagogue member Kohavah Benatar. The series begins on Thursday, February 9, 2017, and continues Thursday, February 16th, from 3:30 to 5:00. The first two workshops will deal with The Connection to Spain and the Golden Age.
The workshops shall continue Thursday, March 16 and March 23, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. and shall deal with The Inquisition and the Year 1492.
There is no fee for JVCVV members. Non-members: $10.00 for individual workshops or $36.00 for all four workshops. The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley is located at 100 Meadowlark Drive, on Route 179. Please contact the office: 928 204-1286 for additional information.