By Virginia Volkman, Library Director
Sedona AZ (November 16, 2017) – The days leading up to Thanksgiving have been busy at Sedona Public Library, and we have much to be thankful for.
Members of the Friends of the Library kicked off the holiday season last week with the Festival of Wreaths Preview Gala. When the doors opened, people hurried to select and purchase their favorite wreaths. Those who attended gave generously to purchase raffle tickets and the winners went home with prizes donated by businesses and individuals, and with souvenir champagne flutes in their hands.
The Festival continues, and you still have time to select a wreath or tabletop tree. Hand-stitched items for sale include tree skirts and Christmas stockings and beautiful needlework in non-holiday themed table runners and quilts. Other unique items donated by community members are also available for purchase. The sale continues through early December.
The silent auction for the Festival of Wreath’s artist invitational closes at 3 p.m. on Friday, November 17. Artists who contributed ornaments are Lorraine Fexas, Sue Hahn, Joyce Killibrew, SanDee Kinnen, Pat Priolo, Julie Talbot, and Gayle Taylor. Artists who contributed sculptures for the silent auction are Art Hiscox, Joanne Hiscox, and Joanie Wolter. Let’s all thank the artists for their beautiful donations by bidding on the art work right up until the deadline!
Other items included in the silent auction are airline tickets with a value of $800 and a foursome of golf at a local resort with a value of $748. Add your bid for these items by this Friday’s deadline
We would like to extend a special thank you to members of the Friends Board: Mary Snyder, President; Anne Smith, 1st Vice President; Brenda Holland, 2nd Vice President; Ellen White, Secretary; Donna Hawk, Treasurer and Festival of Wreaths Chair; Jawn McKinley, Trustee; and Richard Sauck , Trustee. In addition, thanks to Michele Foster who serves on the Book Store committee.
Congratulations to the Friends of the Sedona Library for recently receiving the Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Philanthropy Day Award from the Northern Arizona Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals.
As we celebrate Thanksgiving, we offer our sincere gratitude to the Friends and to all of you for your support and patronage, and if you haven’t been by for a while, stop in and see what’s new or ask for a tour. On behalf of Sedona Public Library Board of Trustees and staff, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.