By Rachel Murdoch, Parks & Recreation Manager
Sedona AZ (March 10, 2016) – “Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ ” is a quote by actor and comedian Robin Williams. This spring, get to know or become reacquainted with the offerings of your community parks. Stroll through a botanical garden, relax in the shade of a cottonwood tree, or splash through a sprinkler. The Sedona Parks and Recreation Department provides a variety of options to enjoy the beauty, amenities and events of our parks.
Three local parks include Posse Grounds Park, Jordan Historical Park and Sunset Park.
Posse Grounds Park has hiking trails and shaded picnic tables for your enjoyment. Play a game of horseshoes or bocce ball while the kids play on the playground. Experience the camaraderie of a game of Pickleball with others that drop in to play. This spring the fitness trail within the park is being completely renovated. Thanks to a grant from Arizona State Parks, the outdated exercise stations will be replaced with new equipment and shade structures. What a beautiful location to exercise outdoors.
Jordan Historical Park is a gem of history in our community to share with family and friends. Visit the Sedona Heritage Museum and take a leisurely stroll around the orchard.
Sunset Park has something for everyone including shaded playgrounds, tennis courts and a grass field for a diversity of uses. Walk the dog, meditate on the grass or cool off with a quick run through the popular Splash Park.
When the relaxing time is over, jump into the energetic activities of spring. New this year is the Celebration of Tween. This fun event is for fifth through eighth-graders on Friday night, March 25, from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Posse Grounds Park. There will be carnival rides, food for sale and an outdoor movie, for only $5 per participating youth. Parents are welcome to join in, but please leave the younger family members at home with a sitter. The young ones will get their turn the next morning at the annual Celebration of Spring event. On Saturday, March 26, from 9 a.m. to noon at Posse Grounds Park, this action-packed morning event includes egg hunts, carnival rides, petting zoo, pony rides, treats and friendly vendors. It is family friendly and entertaining for the kids. Cost is $5 for children 12 and younger. To avoid the lines, it is suggested to pre-purchase tickets beginning Monday, March 14 at the Parks and Recreation office.
As spring becomes summer, there are so many activities available that checking the Parks and Recreation events calendar is a must. Kid camps offered are the Posse Summer Camp, British Soccer Camp, and the Lego Camp. Don’t try and choose, just do them all. Athletic opportunities include the adult summer softball league and the new Bike Skills Park. A popular relaxing offering is viewing the stars at the Community Camp Out. Educational activities at the community pool include the Learn to Swim Program. New this year is Swimarama, Adult Swim for Fitness and Adult Swim Lessons. Participate in a water aerobics class or lap swimming all week long or bring the kids and play during Open Swim and try out the slide.
Whichever event, program or sport you choose, please remember that the community parks are always there for your enjoyment. For more information, call us at 282-7098, follow us on Instagram @sedonarec, like us on Facebook at city of Sedona Parks and Recreation or visit us online at
Why isn’t the Bike Skills Park City Hall insanity in spades?
Although the users fund-raised $37,000 for the design of the park, the City’s Draft Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2017-2022 lists its total cost at $555,296. This does not include $10,000 per year for Contractual Services. Who and how many of these users are there? Where are they coming from?
The Bike Skills Park includes features not currently budgeted, such as a dual slalom, dirt jump park, tot loop, skills zone and a bump & jump flow trail. What a travesty. According to 2010 U.S. Census data, Sedona has a high median age of 56.1
Bond funds and/or other debt financing are mentioned in the CIP document. One of the City Council’s priorities for the current fiscal year is “Long Term Revenue Options.” In my opinion, overspending, screwed-up priorities, and fiscal irresponsibility are soup du jour at City Hall.
Sedona is a real city that has parks, bike parks, walking paths, that benefits not only the residents and their variety of ages, but to also serve visitors. Your comments make it sound as though Sedona is only made up of people 56.1 and above.
Jean you love to second guess, the city on all issues, you should run for council.
Jean, we have a city manager he know what he is doing.
In January of 2006 a “Dear Resident” letter was sent to all residents by the City of Sedona. We were asked to provide general ideas as to what parks and recreation programs were seen as important, needed, or not needed. Except for more parking at trail heads and some bike lanes, residents felt the Forest Service provided all that was needed.
Boondoggles are not uncommon. Sedona’s roads are not being taken care of, the concrete dome collapsed, the electorate voted by 70% to overturn the City Council’s vote to take over SR 89A in West Sedona from ADOT, the sewer plant is a debacle, the Uptown Enhancement Project narrowed city-owned SR 89A so that drivers of parked vehicles now back straight into traffic (before they could back up without being in the roadway), etc.
Jean said it, so it must the Truth?
Jean, we have a city council it is their job to run Sedona.
Jean, you never go to any meetings, you could have been on the uptown parking task force!
Jean, you do not participate on any advisory groups, you only know what you can pull off the internet.
Jean, you talk about the city doing the ” Will of the People”, that is why we have a City Council they were voted in, not self appointed like your self.
Jean this is not how it works,
Run for council.
Get involved at the planning stage, go to meetings learn the facts.
Put in some time and effort at the meeting planning stage.
Jean,talk is cheep and internet postings are the cheapest kind of talk.
Jean, look around Sedona is booming, new building all around , city income over budget.
Jean you lost this fight.
Steve, where the heck have you been? The residents of Sedona have been left without a political voice. However, this travesty does not preclude us from knowing the facts about City Hall.
Hey, in addition to attending several City Council meetings during the days when members didn’t receive campaign contributions from Steve Segner and/or were competent, I went to more than a few (now disbanded) Budget Oversight Commission meetings. Steve was the only bloke on the Budget Oversight Commission who was claiming the residents do not pay enough.
It’s a disgrace that you, Steve, have plans to run in the next Council election when you do not live in Sedona but in Oak Creek Canyon.
Jean have you ever given money to a candidate for office?
Local government?
Shame on you, we all need to support candidates if we want change and good governance.
So jean , you get all you information about the city from the internet, tell us about the
meetings last month on the new traffic study, over ten hours of meeting fill us all in.