Make Your Voice Heard on Engage Sedona
By Lauren Browne, Citizen Engagement Coordinator
Sedona AZ (February 10, 2016) – 2015 was a good year for the Citizen Engagement Program. In addition to the many work groups that met and gave the city valuable input, the world took notice of the innovative way we are engaging citizens. The International City/County Management Association selected the city’s Citizen Engagement Program as the recipient of the Strategic Leadership and Governance Award for communities of 10,000 to 50,000 residents. It is the first award of this kind the city has received.
This momentum sets us up nicely for a successful 2016. Of notable things to focus on this year is a revamp of the Engage Sedona website. With topics that the community is highly interested in and that need community input, Engage Sedona is a starting place for valuable information.
Not only does Engage Sedona ask for input on topics of community interest, it also keeps an updated account of where issues stand at the city level. For example, we recently sought input on the issue of trash and recycling via public meetings, focus groups, phone surveys, and tracking comments from residents who called or emailed. In addition, we posted the following question on Engage Sedona to gather even more community feedback : “If it resulted in lower combined trash/recycling collection costs for residents, would you like to see the city step in and regulate trash and recycling through a consolidated city-wide system?”
Under each Engage Sedona topic, it states if and when the issue goes before City Council and other important information as the issue makes its way through the decision-making process. Citizens can easily track the progress of the various issues. All input is commented on and passed along to pertinent staff or City Council members so they know where you stand on issues.
Other topics that may be of interest on Engage Sedona are:
- The budget, specifically what Capital Improvement Projects should be prioritized
- Community Focus Area discussions
- A request for ideas for an improved dog park
We understand that community members don’t always have the time to attend Council meetings or other public input opportunities. Hopefully residents will find this a useful tool to weigh in on the pressing issues the city is working through.
It is always my goal as the Citizen Engagement Coordinator to make it easy for your voice to be heard and Engage Sedona is just one more way to make that happen. To view, go to
Additionally, I encourage you to submit ideas, ask questions, or raise issues that you may have by calling 203-5068, texting (928) 821-6958, emailing, or connecting with me through the program’s Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. To access these social media sites, visit , click on the Citizen Engagement icon, and scroll to the bottom of the Citizen Engagement webpage.