Sedona News – Sealed bids for the construction of the SD-12 Schnebly Grove Drainage Improvements Project will be received by the Public Works Department, located at 102 Roadrunner Drive, Sedona, Arizona, until 2:00 P.M. local time, Wednesday February 14, 2024. At that time, bids will be opened and documented. Bid results will be available upon request after opening.
PROJECT: SD-12 Schnebly Grove Drainage Improvements Project
DESCRIPTION: Drainage improvements and utility protection along Schnebly Rd in Uptown Sedona, between Grove Dr and Ridge Dr; approximately 800 feet. This project calls for new catch basins, storm drains and dry-stack retaining walls.
Contract Documents may be downloaded from the City of Sedona’s website at
PRE-BID CONFERENCE: None – Questions must be submitted via email 1 week prior to bid due date (January 31, 2024).