Sedona AZ (August 20, 2021) – As part of its fall-term grand reopening, the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Yavapai College in Sedona and the Verde Valley (OLLI), along with the League of Women Voters Greater Verde Valley, invite everyone to OLLI’s first combination (in-person and online) program: “Renewing Democracy: Ranked-Choice Voting and More,” on Wednesday, September 1, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. at Yavapai College, Sedona Center, Room 34 and on Zoom.
As partisan battles are raging over voting laws in Washington DC, Phoenix, and state capitals across the country, non-partisan organizations are proposing, and communities are adopting policies that promise to open our gridlocked two-party system to new candidates, more civil campaigning, and greater citizen education and engagement. Ranked-choice voting and open primaries are just two of many such innovations.
At this event, describing this broad movement and the specific options being considered are well-known OLLI program leaders (Charles Blum and Paul Friedman) and civic activists visiting from Phoenix (Luis Acosta-Herrera, AZ Director of Unite America and Blake Sacha, leader of Voter Choice Arizona).
Admission is free, although pre-registration is required. To participate either in person at the Sedona Center or online via Zoom, register using this link: or at the OLLI website at For more information call the OLLI office at 928-649-4275, email, or visit the website at