Phoenix AZ (November 25, 2013) – The Arizona Highway Patrol Association (AHPA) has some advice for all drivers over the Thanksgiving holiday- BE CAREFUL! According to the Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS), one crash occurs every five seconds.
“Historically, injury and fatal crashes increase over the days surrounding the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays,” stated Jimmy Chavez, President of the Arizona Highway Patrol Association. “Increased traffic means drivers need to increase their awareness behind the wheel. We want to make sure everyone makes it to their destination safety.”
AHPA is asking the public to be especially careful driving over the holidays and offers the following travel advice to drivers:
Driving Tips:
- It is especially important this year that drivers know what to do if they find themselves caught in a rain/dust storm. “Drivers should reduce their speed, pull over as far off the pavement as possible and wait for the storm to calm down,” says Chavez. It is extremely important to turn off your lights, including brake lights. Other drivers on the road tend to follow lights in limited visibility.”
- AHPA recommends eliminating driver distractions. Limit cell phone use to emergencies only. If a call must be made, use a hands-free device, or if possible, have a passenger make the call. Under no circumstances should a driver text or email while driving.
- Plan enough time for your drive and observe speed limits.
- Check your vehicle ahead of time. This includes fluid levels, belts, hoses, and tire pressure/condition.
- Be prepared for the unexpected. You might experience a delay due to congestion, accidents, road closures, or inclement weather.
- Be rested before traveling and take breaks during long drives.
- Carry an emergency kit that includes items such as a cell phone, a flashlight and extra batteries, flares, jumper cables, basic repair tools and lots of water. Let family members know your planned routes.
- Watch out for other drivers. People can become frustrated, and even aggressive when driving in congested traffic.
- AHPA encourages anyone on the road to call 9-1-1 if you view suspicious or aggressive drivers, breakdowns and accidents. Again, make sure calls can be made safely and without taking the driver’s focus from the potential hazard. If possible have a passenger make the call.
- Use a designated driver or call a taxi if consuming alcoholic beverages or taking impairing medications.
Important Driving Laws:
- Remember the “Move Over Law” (ARS §28-775E-1-2). Move over one lane or slow down for vehicles on the side of the road. Help keep our DPS officers safe when responding to emergency situations.
- Buckle Up (ARS §28-909)! It’s the Law! AHPA wants everyone to be safe, and putting seat belts on all passengers, no matter their age or location, is important. Child safety restraints (ARS §28-907) can be installed with proper notice from your local police or fire department.
- Don’t drink and drive (ARS §4-244.33, §28-1383, §28-1383). AHPA members estimate HALF of alcohol related DUI’s include prescription drugs. The penalties if you are convicted of a DUI…
Adult DUI penalties (A.R.S. §28-1381):
- At least ten (10) consecutive days in jail.
- Must pay no less than $2500 in fines.
- Must have interlock device installed in vehicle.
If convicted a second time in less than seven years:
- At least ninety (90) days in jail, thirty (30) of which must be consecutive.
- Must pay at least $5000 in fines.
- Driver’s license suspended for one (1) year.
- Thirty (30) hours of community restitution.
Founded in 1958, the AHPA’s mission is to promote the positive role of Law Enforcement Professionals, and to protect and secure rights and benefits for their members through effective representation with local, state and national governments. More information about AHPA can be found at their website (, Twitter ( and Facebook (