Sedona AZ (July 17, 2014) – On Friday, July 25th from 5-630 the Pumphouse Poetry and Prose Project will launch another literary show, this time featuring Flagstaff poet Maple Dewleaf. Located in the southern end of the Creekside Plaza with shows taking place on the steps of the old historic stone pumphouse in the shade of the sycamore trees the Pumphouse Poetry and Prose Project is quickly becoming a Verde Valley literary happening. Crowds have swelled every season and both performers and audience seem to be having a pretty good time. Every show features storytelling and poetry by the host Gary Every. There are musical guests who serenade the gathering and every show features an open mic which gives local authors a chance to strut their stuff.
This months featured artist Maple Dewleaf was first noticed performing at some of the Sedona Poetry Slam stages a few years back. He was notable both for his eloquence of words and graceful movements as he twirled and swirled about the stage like a dancer. Maple is also known for dressing on stage with a flamboyance of fashion similar to a renaissance jester, juggler or other court performer. Maple Dewleaf describes himself as an ambitious stay at home father, trailer park hippie sage with public school education and a library card. As a child he dreamed of being huckleberry Finn and as an adult he wishes to aim a little higher. A national slam poet, Flagstaff poetry slam alumni, and growing fiction writer. He wishes to entertain, educate, enlighten and enjoy the world.
Pumphouse Poetry and Prose Project hosts another show the last Friday of every month during the season from 5-6:30 in the southernmost end of the Creekside Plaza parking lot, on the steps of the historic old stone pumphouse, in the shade of the sycamore trees and within whispering distance of the creek. Every show features an open mic but pariticapnats are asked to keep their entire performance within 3 minutes. Pumphouse Poetry and Prose Project is sponsored by the merchants of Creekside Plaza, including Trailhead Tea, Mother Saachi’s books and gifts, Cocopah North, and gifted poet and former professor Elizabeth Oakes. Local author Gary Every hosts the show.