By Carla Trujillo, PWG President
Cottonwood AZ (January 8, 2015) – The local Chapter of Professional Women’s Group has their first quarterly luncheon of 2015 on January 20, 2015. Luncheon will be at the Cottonwood Recreation Center from 11:30am – 1:30pm and include a speaker presentation, networking opportunities, catered lunch, and raffle/door prizes. This month’s luncheon will be catered by Café Jerona based out of Cottonwood. Pre-registration for this event is required and you can sign up at
Our January speaker will be Barbara Litrell, Sedona City Counselor. The topic will be “Throwing Off the Outer Garment”. We’ll explore that courageous moment in your life when you stopped letting others define who you are and you stepped into your true self and your power.
Barbara Litrell has experience as a teacher, corporate executive, entrepreneur and non-profit organization executive. She launched B. Litrell Communications Corporation in 2000 after a 28 year career in advertising sales and management with The New York Times and as publisher of national magazines including Working Woman, Working Mother and McCall’s. Her early career began as a French teacher for seven years. After moving to Arizona, she gained experience as a real estate agent, as President of Keep Sedona Beautiful, and as Executive Director of Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition, a non-profit which provides volunteers to assist seniors with services that help them maintain their independence and quality of life at home. She resigned from that position in November, 2009 in order to run for City Council.
The Professional Women’s Group has many opportunities to become involved: Sponsorships, Committee Members, Volunteers, and by donating Door Prizes to help market your Business!
See our website for further details at
1 Comment
Would like to introduce this group to the website . It was created by professional women FOR professional women. Easy to check it out online. I have become a contributing writer for, and am really enjoying it. Worth a look!
Beverly K. Copen