Yavapai County News – Yavapai County Recorder, Michelle Burchill would like to remind voters about important information regarding the upcoming Presidential Preference Election that will be held March 19, 2024.
The PPE is a Statewide Political Party Election where voters who are affiliated with those party’s will choose who they would like their party to nominate as a Presidential candidate in the General Election.
Only the Republican and Democrat Parties have chosen to participate in this election.
The provision for an open primary does not apply to the PPE. This means that only voters registered to the specific participating party may vote on that party’s ballot.
Only registered Democrats or Republicans may vote in the 2024 PPE.
Voters registered as Independents, Libertarians, No Labels or Other, may change their party affiliation by the registration deadline to vote in the PPE. After the PPE, they can re-register to their original party.
To be eligible to vote, you must register by February 20, 2024. You may register in person at the Yavapai County Recorder’s Office 1015 Fair St., Prescott, Monday – Friday from 8am – 5pm, or in our Cottonwood office, 10 S. 6th St., or online at www.servicearizona.com.