Flagstaff Family YMCA and Sedona Explore Options
Sedona, AZ (July 20, 2011) – The City of Sedona Department of Parks and Recreation is exploring the prospect of bringing the Flagstaff Family YMCA to the City of Sedona. In an effort to collect feedback on the proposal of bringing the YMCA to Sedona, the Flagstaff Family YMCA will be distributing interest forms to the local schools when school resumes to gather ideas from students about types of activities that they would like offered in Sedona. These interest forms will be given out and collected by the schools and teachers.
In addition to the student interest forms, there will be a parent survey online to gather information on costs and volunteer interest such as coaching, action committees and support. The YMCA will also be looking for program interest and would like to collect names and information from those that are interested in the YMCA coming to Sedona. These interest forms will be available July 18, 2011 through September 1, 2011.
Please take the time to complete a survey available in English at www.surveymonkey.com/s/Q8G5JN3 or in Spanish at www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZG9NSWK.
For more information, contact the Sedona Department of Parks and Recreation at 282-7098, located at 102 Roadrunner Drive or online at www.Sedonaaz.gov/Parks.