By Tracey Shadley
Organize A to Z
“Organize Your Space, Organize Your Life!”
Sedona AZ (December 14, 2014) –
I always feel so overwhelmed with all of my commitments as the holiday season approaches. Any suggestions? – Carole C
The best way to stay calm during the holidays is to start planning early — at least a month in advance! Start by creating a calendar for the weeks leading up to, during and after the holidays. Include everything that has already been scheduled, such as vacation days, guest arrival times, parties etc. Continue to add events as they come up being careful not to double book (or overbook) yourself. Make sure to block off days for shopping, cooking/baking so you don’t have it all piled up last minute. Most importantly don’t forget to schedule in time to rest!
What should I be doing with all the leftover wrapping paper! I feel so guilty just throwing it out! – Judy G
I know that feeling! The first and easy solution is to recycle it (either literally or to re-use next year). However, if you’re a crafty person, or have children who love arts and crafts, there are many ways to reuse the shiny bright paper. I know this because I Googled it (I am not crafty at all) Martha Stewart and many other have their ideas ready to share!
What is the best way to store Christmas Ornaments etc.? – Holly P
The best way to store anything is in a clear bin or clearly labelled box. It is important to know what is in storage so that things don’t get forgotten and re-purchased. If you are using ordinary bins or boxes, label them clearly and you may want to consider saving some dividers from wine boxes to help keep the Christmas ball ornaments from breaking. If you would like to get even more specialized, you can find Christmas organizers like these at places like Target and Walmart.
There always seems to be an expectation that Holiday celebrations be at our house. I have a hard time saying no to people so do you have any suggestions about how to make the big dinners easier to handle? – Joanne B
You do not need to take on all that stress in your house every year, even if it is “the best place for a party”. If you do end up being the hostess again….delegate! Make the dinner a Pot Luck so that people will help with the cooking. Make a game out of the chores by creating a “chore wheel” that everyone has to spin when they arrive. The chore that they land on is what they are delegated for the evening. This can be a fun and fair way to get people to help with chores such as serving, clearing the table, and doing the dishes. If you’re using your good china or crystal glasses and that stresses you out….Don’t! Make the dinner more casual and take those worries away as well. All of these hints will help but please remember that NO is an O.K. answer!
Tracey Shadley is the owner of ORGANIZE A-Z in Northern Arizona. She specializes in custom closet design, home staging and de-cluttering. For more information or to submit questions, please visit her website at