OM Meditation with Erik Isen and Brenda Pareja at The Sedona Creative Life Center in the Sedona Room. Event to be held on Sunday, October 27, 2013 from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Tickets: $10 at the door.
Sedona AZ (October 9, 2013) – Oneness Meditation is a new powerful meditation where Divine Energies are transmitted to help awaken the spiritual energies within you. This very sacred Blessing offers you the opportunity to free the mind effortlessly and wake up to the magic and beauty of life. Flowing through the eyes of the Oneness Meditator, Oneness Meditation creates a neurobiological shift that naturally accelerates the Awakening process.
Oneness Meditation is for everyone. There is nothing for you to do except receive the blessing. No prior experience of Oneness events is needed. People from all walks of life, all backgrounds and all faiths, are experiencing dramatic change and improvements in their lives from experiencing Oneness Meditation.
Oneness Meditation was released at the beginning of 2012, to assist with the planetary shift in consciousness. Originated from the Oneness University, it is part of a global phenomenon which is taking many forms.
Oneness Meditation brings you and your community the experience of Oneness, One Love, One Consciousness, One with all that is. It is helping to start a chain reaction, that creates a critical mass for a shift towards setting you and all of humanity totally free.
As these energies are transferred during a Oneness Meditation, they lead to an end of our feelings of separation. Oneness Meditation is not about any teaching, belief or philosophy. It’s about your Awakening. This is for YOU.
Eric Isen is a Medical Intuitive specializing in Ayurvedic Medicine. He is one of the leading Ayurvedic practitioners available today. He is a Harvard Graduate with degrees from The University Of Paris and Maharishi European Research University. He has spent the last 40 years focused on spiritual development. He has been a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Program for over 28 years and in January of 2006 received the ability to share the Oneness Blessing for awakening at Oneness University in Golden City, India.
Brenda Pareja has been trained as a healer in several shamanic traditions. She practices soul retrieval and other powerful healing practices for connection with the Divine. After receiving her first Deeksha in 2004, she began to see significant changes in her life and in all her relationships. She knew the power of the Oneness Deeksha to be very real. Her passion to heal the Earth and help its transition compelled her to India in March 2006 where she was initiated as a Oneness Blessing Facilitator. She completed the deepening course in 2008. “Changing the world from the inside out” is her practice.”
For more information please visit Oneness Universities website: or . You may also contact Jude at: 928-451-1940 or Linda at: 928-814-9186.