By Arthur Poole
Sedona AZ (February 12, 2016) – The Oak Creek Apples Macintosh User Group (OCAMUG) will meet on Wednesday, February 17, at the Elks Lodge off Airport Road in West Sedona.
Beginning at 5:00 PM:
Is your Mac misbehaving? Do you want to know how a new feature works, or what’s in the latest update? local Mac/PC consultant Alan Gore will field questions the audience might have about the Mac. At this session, please feel free to ask any Apple-related question, from the most basic to the most advanced. Come listen, learn, and ask questions about the Macintosh computer. We stress that there are no “dumb” questions. Attendees of this portion are usually about evenly split between folks new to the Mac and those with greater familiarity with the magical machine. But everyone seems to learn something.
The Main Meeting starts at 6:15 PM: This month our feature presentation will be:
The Latest Buzz on Drones
A presentation on drones will be given by Daniel Solazzo in Sedona at the February 17 meeting of the Oak Creek Apples Computer Club. Mr Solazzo will have some videos on how this is done and will be happy to talk and answer questions about this and other drone-related topics.
About Our Speaker
The presenter, Daniel Solazzo, is a graduate student at Northern Arizona University, working in NAU’s Remote Sensing and Informatics Lab. Dan
uses an “octocopter” drone to study sand dune movement on the Paria Plateau.
Last Month’s Meeting (January 20, 2016)
Alan Gore was our January presenter, describing the popular photo organizing and editing application Adobe Lightroom. Lightroom, now in its sixth release, is one of the few Adobe products that remains available as a standalone installation.
Free. Public Invited. Elks Lodge, 110 Airport Road in West Sedona.
The lounge is open from three in the afternoon until the end of the Apples meeting. Three Tacos, Taco Salad or Nachos are available for $5 starting 5 pm to 7 pm or until they run out.
The Oak Creek Apples is exclusively an educational institution for the public on the use of Apple Computers, including maintenance, security, and software applications. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to belong. A dues-paying membership is a Regular membership
(the member, spouse and their dependent children may participate, though only the member may vote). Guests and the public are welcome to attend our meetings on an occasional basis to become acquainted with the Group and its activities. Regular membership dues are $35.00 per year to be renewed on the anniversary of joining the Group. In addition to participation in group activities, regular members receive a monthly emailed newsletter covering general and special-interest group activities, Apple news, and informative articles.
The Oak Creek Apples has been designated as a 501(c)3 organization by the IRS for education on Apple computers including maintenance and security, and software applications. Donations are tax deductible.
To become a member when at our general meeting, ask one of our greeters at the greeting table at the back of our meeting room. One can also join the Oak Creek Apples by sending a check payable to the Oak Creek Apples to:
Membership Registrar
Oak Creek Apples
1 Little Horse Ln, Sedona, AZ 86336
Please include your email address and mailing address and phone number with the payment. We do not share our mailing list.
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