By Dave Myers
Sedona AZ (April 14, 2017) – The Oak Creek Apples Macintosh User Group (OCAMUG) will meet on Wednesday, April 19, 2016, at the Elks Lodge off Airport Road in West Sedona.
Beginning at 5:00 PM:
Continuing our regular sessions of “My Aching Mac!”, local Mac/PC consultant Alan Gore will field any questions the audience might have about the Mac.
Beginning at 5:15 PM:
Mission critical open discussion of how to rejuvenate OCA with emphasis on broader member participation, particularly in meeting planning, and identification and recruitment of speakers. Attendance is critical if you want OCA to continue.
Food is usually available to purchase in the Elks dining room.
The Main Meeting starts at 6:15 PM: This month our feature presentation will be:
Kris Kasian, Chief, Sedona Fire Department
Topic: The Budget and Funding of the Sedona Fire Department
Our first spring speaker will be Kris Kazian, Sedona’s fire chief. He began in the fire service in 1990 in the Libertyville (Illinois) Fire Department as a paid on-call firefighter. He was trained there and continued to get his emergency medical technician-B (EMT-B) and, subsequently, his paramedic certification by 1991.
Kazian was then hired by the Countryside Fire Protection District, located in a northern suburb of Illinois, as a career firefighter / paramedic in 1991. He quickly engaged himself in public education responsibilities and attended many training opportunities. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1996 and captain (shift commander) in 1999, spending 15 years on the line as a firefighter and company officer, learning all aspects of the fire service. He was promoted to Assistant Chief in 2006 and Deputy Chief in 2008.
Throughout his career, Chief Kazian participated in many efforts — technical rescue-high angle and dive, safety committees, training, strategic planning, ISO evaluation and accreditation review, as well as related incident command and emergency operation functions. He also he served as public education director and medical officer, developed standard operating guidelines, wrote and managed grants, and developed vehicle specifications. After more than 20 years of dedicated service to fire agencies in Lake County, Illinois, he was selected by the SFD Governing Board in February 2012 to serve as fire chief.
Chief Kazian has an associate’s degree in fire science technology (College of Lake County), a bachelor’s in fire science management (Southern Illinois University), and an M.S. in organizational leadership, Dominican University), as well as Fire Officer III and Chief Fire Officer designations.
He is a member of many fire service organizations, including the International Fire Chiefs Association, and continually networks with peers to achieve common goals and improve fire and emergency services.
He and his wife, Kristy, proudly parented four daughters — Kate, Emma, Lexi, and Cami. After Lexi passed away at the age of 2, they started a nonprofit organization in her honor and memory dedicated to helping children with special needs. They continue to operate their charity and make a difference in the lives of hundreds of children across the world.
Free. Public Invited. Elks Lodge, 110 Airport Road in West Sedona.
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