Sedona AZ (November 2, 2016) – As autumn swings down our way, and the holiday season approaches, the people of Sedona and the Verde Valley are embracing the spirit of kindness with special events around the area, hosted by SedonaKind. SedonaKind is a group of women committed to encouraging acts of kindness, large and small, locally and around the world.
To kick off 16 days of kindness in November, SedonaKind is officially joining in to help make Mitzvah Day a success. It’s the 10th anniversary of Mitzvah Day, the special annual event that aligns ready volunteers with the needs of nonprofits, seniors and children in the area. This year, Mitzvah Day is looking for around 200 volunteers to help with a wide range of projects. Visit to find out more and sign up.
On November 10, six beautiful Gratitude Trees will be placed around Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. Locations include: the Sedona Community Center, the Sedona Airport, two at the Sedona Library, and at the Oak Creek Country Club and The Collective in the Village. At each site, there will be beautiful handmade hearts for people to write what makes them thankful, then hang on the tree. It’s a wonderful way for people to share all the blessings that make them grateful. The trees will be up throughout the Holidays for everyone to visit.
On November 11, it’s Pay-it-Forward Day! Businesses around town will be encouraging their customers to buy a gift card of any amount, and just pay it forward to someone else in line, or give the card to the cashier to pass along and surprise someone. Stop by Whole Foods, the Mary D. Fisher Theatre, Basha’s, McDonald’s and Java Love to participate. Or people can use that day to do a small act of kindness somewhere by bringing cookies to a neighbor, calling on a sick friend, or just smiling at a stranger. As the Dalai Lama says “Be kind whenever possible. It’s always possible.”
Sunday, November 13th has been declared “Sedona Kindness Day” by the mayor and city council of Sedona. That day, SedonaKind will host two showings of an award-winning movie, The Star Fish Throwers, at the Mary D. Fisher Theater at 4 and 7 pm. Tickets are just $5 with all proceeds going to the Yavapai Food Council. The film is about 3 remarkable individuals who each start with one small act of kindness that grows to impact thousands of people in need. Please bring your friends and families to see this heart-warming film and help out those in need in our own community.
On November 16, at West Sedona School, SedonaKind is sponsoring an assembly for students, teachers, and parents called “5,000 Acts of Kindness in 15 days.” Think Kindness is a national program that has changed school cultures around the country. The event inspires measurable acts of kindness in the schools, and is a positive way to counteract bullying and other negative influences. The special day opens with an action-packed assembly that motivates the children to become the heroes of their dreams through being kind. The program will also be offered at Big Park School and at Mountain View Elementary in Cottonwood, each school committing to 5000 acts of kindness. Imagine, 15,000 acts of kindness in our communities in just 15 days.
Visit to find more information about all these events.