Sedona News (August 4, 2021)Last night I suddenly experienced a very high fever and pain in the head and neck. Anyone who has ever done a healing with me knows that I take everything, especially pain or illness, as a message that is important to pay attention to and learn from.
Fever is how the body protects itself from viruses that may be harmful to it. It can be very uncomfortable as this one was, but I am grateful for it and don’t try to reduce it or change it in any way. I just let it do what it needs to do. And it does it well as today there is no fever or sign of illness.
But the message of this virus was much deeper and more important than that. This was a message from the earth itself. And the virus being part of the earth was how it delivered it.
It showed me that the COVID Coronavirus was also a message. It was a warning. It was severe enough to kill many people in order to get our attention, but it was just a warning. If we don’t listen, as it appears we are not, the next virus will be far more deadly and we will not have to wait long for it to come.
The earth is not our enemy. The earth is our mother, our protector, our sustenance, and the source of our life. And the earth is a living being, just as we are. In fact, we cannot be separate from the earth. It is our very life. There has never nor could ever be any separation.
We not only have a human body and various energy bodies. We also have an earth body.
And yet we are killing the earth, our earth body, the other species on it, and ourselves. The earth is not our enemy, but we have made ourselves the earth’s enemy. That is why unless we change our behavior and consciousness dramatically, the earth has no choice but to wipe us out completely as a species in order for her other children to survive as they are rapidly becoming extinct due to our actions.
As a living being, when we drill for oil we are stabbing into the earth’s body. When we mine for coal and precious metals we are painfully abusing our mother. When we pollute the air, water, and earth, we are poisoning the source of our life and the lives of all her other children.
When you are aware of your earth body, you can feel this just as she does. But often even I can forget. So last night I was given this painful reminder.
That is why she sent the COVID virus as a wake-up call. As long as we continue not listening, there will be more and they will be far more severe than COVID. Even COVID needed to mutate to the Delta and more varients because we are not listening. We refuse to receive the message.
Instead, our attention remains on the economy. We believe the economy is the source of our survival and sustenance. We have forgotten that it is the earth we depend on for survival, not our artificial man-created economy. In fact, it is this very same economy that is killing the true source of our survival.
We created the COVID Coronavirus, not in a Wuhan laboratory as some people suspect, but by destroying the habitat our fellow species live in and depend on for survival. The resulting sickness experienced by these species eventually spreads to humans as happened with COVID. And scientists have already said far worse are to come as a result of what we have done and continue doing to support our economy.
And yet we still refuse to listen. Just as the dramatic increase in fires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes only temporarily gain our attention, COVID and very likely the more severe viruses to come will not make us stop our self-destructive actions.
For not much more than a single month because of COVID we did stop. We stopped driving. We stopped flying. The cruise ships, restaurants, and theaters lay empty. A large part of the economy came to a swift and sudden halt. And what seemed a miracle began to happen. The earth, our home, our mother, the true source of our survival began to heal.
This was the true message of COVID, but, blinded by our ignorance and greed, we could not hear. We saw COVID, not as a message from Mother Earth, but as an enemy that must be defeated so that we could restore our economy, the very same economy that was guaranteeing our destruction just as it is destroying our home.
The message could not be more clear. If we want to survive, we must stop. We must stop our economy. We must stop destroying the only thing that gives us life. Science, technology, and medicine in the form of vaccines are not going to save us.
Already we are seeing that vaccines we thought would save us, we were told would save us, can neither stop us from contracting COVID nor spreading it in its most recent Delta form nor the further mutations to come.
We cannot think our way out of this predicament we have created. None of our science, technology, or medicine are going to help us this time. Much of it will only continue to make it worse as they too are all part of the economy that is destroying our earth home and our lives.
It is time for us to stop. It is time for us to live in harmony, balance, and support of our home and the true source of our survival.
It is time for us to stop driving and traveling in planes. Time to stop ego-driven billionaire space flights. It’s time to stop shopping for anything that is not an absolute necessity for survival.
It’s time to begin to grow our own food and support local farms rather than shopping in supermarkets. It’s time to rely on our neighbors and neighborhoods rather than large corporations that don’t even know us or care about us.
A local economy that is self-sufficient with rooftop gardens in cities and surrounding suburbs turned into farms is what will help us survive. Golf courses make perfect farms as they already have plenty of irrigation.
What we are doing now, how we are living, this entire economy is completely unsustainable. It can only result in the death of our species. COVID is just one of many reminders we refuse to see or listen to.
If we don’t change dramatically, if the entire economy does not change completely, we will not survive as a species, nor should we. Our earth body is very clear about this. How could it be otherwise? It is insanity and blind ignorance to think we can continue on as we are or that science and technology that helped create these problems will now save us.
The birth of a new child is a beautiful gift and brings much joy. But today with any awareness of what life is going to be like for future generations if we don’t change, it is also a terrible tragedy. We are only seeing the beginning of the results of what we have done and are doing to this planet. It is not hard to imagine the suffering coming generations will have to endure as the species begins to die out, destroyed by its own ignorance.
We still have a choice. The changes that are necessary make the Green New Deal look like placing a bandaid on a corpse. Our economy is killing the planet and ourselves. If we are to survive as a species, if our children and grandchildren are to survive, we need to stop what we are doing and we need to stop immediately not at some vague time in the future when we might be less inconvenienced or to heartlessly foist the changes off onto the next generation when it may be too late for them.
All of us contribute to this economy in our jobs and everything we consume. So it is up to us to change it.
Grow as much of your own food as you can. You can grow sprouts in your own kitchen as I do. It’s easy and they make up close to 50% of my diet. Work with your neighbors to create community gardens. If you buy food only buy from local farmers.
Shop local and shop rarely. Reduce any purchases to only what is essential. You don’t need nearly as much as you think. Water, sprouts, some other veggies, a roof over your head. How much more do you really need
If you really need to eat animal products, make sure the animals have lived a natural life. Here in Sedona, cattle roam across thousands of acres and live outside in the wild. Even here you may want to limit animal products to a small amount once a week. Dairy means the cow has its calf removed at birth and is hooked up to mechanical milking machines 24/7. Is that really what you want to contribute to?
Don’t rely on your lack of awareness to make choices for how you live. All your choices affect the totality.
All-electric cars are better. But if you live and shop locally, you can hopefully do without a car at all or only very rarely. Walk or ride a bike. Encourage the growth and sustainability of your neighborhood. It will be good to get to know your neighbors again.
How the human species exists from this moment onwards depends on each one of us. If we continue as we are and “support the economy” we are headed for a nightmare of increasing severity.
I don’t think anyone willing to pay attention or not in complete denial is not aware of this by now. And, yes, there are many who are not paying attention or are in complete denial. Because of this, we may not make the changes that are necessary. But that is not a reason to give up. We can do everything we can do. Maybe a more severe reminder than COVID will wake more people up.
Right now many people are enslaved in their jobs in an economy that is ever harder to survive in. That is why self-sufficiency and self-sufficient neighborhoods and communities and eventually whole cities are a good answer.
The more self-sufficient we and our neighborhoods and communities are, the less we are dependant on the larger corporate economy. And the less dependant we are on the larger corporate economy, the sooner it fails and stops destroying the planet and the true source of our survival.
I added a little to the message I received from the earth to include some possible changes we could make. The basic message I want to relate is that COVID is not an enemy to be defeated. It is a messenger. And it won’t be defeated until we listen to the message that it and so many other things have been trying to tell us.
Since it is a message if we don’t listen and until we do listen, other messengers will come and each one will be more extreme in an attempt to get us to listen.
That is not a very positive scenario since so far we have not been listening. But we do have a choice. We can listen. And we can act on the message. And if we do, the earth and our own lives will benefit enormously. If not, well, I think you know what not listening and continuing as we are will bring.
Peter, thank you, these are true and important words. As bad as the novel coronavirus has been, there are many, many more possible sources of future pandemics waiting in the wings that are far more deadly than Covid-19: Ebola, Marburg, and Nipah viruses come to mind. There is also a prion disease spreading among deer in the U.S. and worldwide and this is really scary because you cannot kill prions with disinfectant.
These zoonotic diseases are becoming threats because of environmental degradation and increasing human encroachment on wildlife habitats. Go to the library and check out the book “Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic” by the journalist David Quammen. It is very readable and it will scare the dickens out of you.
My point here is not to instill fear but to emphasize the importance of your message, Peter. While the Covid pandemic has been miserable for all of us, I fear sorriest for the young people who will increasingly bear the burden of environmental degradation.
And, by the way, it is equally important that the people who make policy decisions about our city understand that “supporting” more tourism is actually the opposite of what we should be doing.
Blah Blah Blah
JB is right. You should not mock her.
@sandy or should I say JB!!
You also sad Trump was gonna be back at being president again in August. Well!!??
At last! A common sense article about covid and why it’s here. I knew early in 2020 that this was a wake-up call from the earth. The answer came to me in my meditations with Higher Self. I re-read the Seth material about lethal viruses and why they happen. (Matches your article). But then all the bs about “plandemic” and it’s not real, or its’ just a flu. I’m so tired of it all. People are really missing the point…the point that you point out so well. Thank you.
Peter and the comment from Virginia are correct, climate change causes changes in biology around the globe and that does increase our risk. I opened the newspaper today to read that the Marburg virus (which is similar to Ebola and has a very high rate of mortality) has now shown up in west Africa for the first time. CNN has an article about it at https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/10/africa/guinea-confirms-marburg-disease-intl/index.html
This week’s news reports about changes in ocean current circulations are even more disturbing. These changes truly represent the tipping point of climate change. For those who may be unaware, ocean currents and temperatures govern every single aspect of climate on earth. Every. Single. Aspect.
In addition to doing what we can, as individuals, to mitigate climate change it is really important that we make sure our elected representatives know that they must support clean energy and other measure to slow climate change. And that we vote for candidates who are ready to do something about.