By Eric Jorgensen, Director
ADOT Motor Vehicle Division
Phoenix AZ (May 6, 2020) – Recent weeks have seen a lot of changes for the ADOT Motor Vehicle Division. The biggest change was a welcome upgrade of the computer operating system. The obsolete platform that had served for more than three decades has been replaced by one that is state-of-the-art.
The new system is far more flexible, adds many more service options online and makes sure those services that have to be done in an office are done more efficiently.
But as we’re all aware, the public health situation has had a major impact on MVD office operations. To comply with the guidelines established by public health agencies, we require appointments for any office visit.

ADOT Motor Vehicle Division Director
Because we have to limit the number of customers in an office, the only transactions we’re offering there right now are first time driver license or ID cards, first time vehicle registration, and some forms of complex title work. All other services are available online at or through That includes basic title transfers, registration renewals, requesting a refund, and almost all other services.
We realize the frustration that many people feel when they drop by an MVD office without an appointment and have to find an alternative way to do business with us. We share that frustration and welcome the day when we can begin to fully restore our office operations.
If there is a silver lining, it might be that more Arizonans are being introduced to the online options available through their secure, personal AZ MVD Now account. You can activate yours either at or through If you use ServiceArizona, many services will automatically direct you to AZ MVD Now.
Once there, you’ll be asked for an email so AZ MVD Now can send you a verification code. From now on, each time you go to your account, you’ll be sent a code for security purposes.
When you set up the account for the first time, you’ll choose and then confirm your own password and then a user name.
Nearly 400,000 Arizonans have activated their AZ MVD Now account and the number gets bigger every day. Online commerce has proven its worth during the public health situation and MVD will continue to make innovations that help you do business with us when it’s most convenient for you.
For those services that must be done at an office, expanding the online world for MVD will make those visits that much easier.
The dedicated men and women of MVD are working hard to serve Arizonans today and we look forward to finding more innovative ways to get Arizona out of line and safely on the road.