By Amaya Gayle Gregory
Sedona News: A dear friend did my astrology chart many years back and I happened upon it today. I love happening. It seems so magical, so synchronistic, and yet, when my eyes and heart are open leads to the realization that life is nothing but synchronicity. Nothing else is happening here.
I was musing about why the writing that comes through me seems to be all over the board. One day I write from the lived non-dual understanding and the next I am speaking from my lived experiences of seeming duality. Another friend recently asked me about it, said he was always surprised at what I wrote, that I was most beautifully unpredictable.
My all-over-the-boardness is confusing to more than a few, leading some to rather interesting conclusions. It’s kind of fun for me. This creative Gemini never gets bored. Sorry if it’s confusing. If it is, that’s what’s up for review.
Today as I was cleaning up the desktop on my computer I unexpectedly opened a file folder that included my charts. I’ve never been into astrology. When people asked my rising sign I just looked at them with glazed over eyes, so I thought, heck, why not, find some answers to those questions.
Knowing I probably wouldn’t remember anything in the report, I opened the file and read.
Talk about mind blower! Mind absolutely blown. How is it possible that astrology is that accurate? Everything I read was pin point perfect and it answered the question I had about my writing.
Of course it did! That was what was up for me.
My chart is a mass of contradictions, beautiful creative disciplined rebellious adventuresome harmonious contradictions. On the one hand I am here to be of service, to help with the suffering, to heal the earth and its people. In my current words: to work on the display. On the other hand I am propelled into evolutionary growth, higher awareness, the truth within the holy Oneness, Consciousness in which the display appears. The two stand directly opposite each other on my chart. Finding the balance is an ongoing force that is more about my awareness of allowing the two energies to successfully coexist, rather than finding another resolution where one side is preferred.
Understanding this popped the little question bubble that was sitting just above a picture of my puzzled expression in this world, the quirky unpredictable who knows what will come out next expression that is me.
What perfect timing! This That Is never arrives late, doesn’t know too late or too early. Like the story of Goldilocks, it’s always just right.
Editor’sNote: According to Amaya, there is no appropriate bio for Amaya Gayle. She doesn’t exist other than as an expression of Consciousness Itself. Talking about her in biographical terms is a disservice to the truth and to anyone who might be led to believe in such nonsense. None of us exist, not in the way we think. Ideas spring into words. Words flow onto paper and yet no one writes them. They simply appear fully formed. Looking at her you would swear this is a lie. She’s there after all, but honestly, she’s not. Bios normally wax on about accomplishments and beliefs, happenings in time and space. She has never accomplished anything, has no beliefs and like you was never born and will never die. Engage with Amaya at your own risk.
1 Comment
I love reading about synchronicity and will share a good one that happened 3 days ago. I was hacked, called police, and police came right away. Took care of matter. I used the opportunity to speak in a frustrated manner about one particular lane at a round-a-bout where I have almost been hit more than a dozen times. I suggested they remove the tree that blocks the yield sign. The office noted my complaint and then answered his phone. Turns out he was called to that spot where an accident just happened. No one hurt. Sedona Red Rock news just reported this spot will be closed at night beginning now to make repairs.