A Political Satire
By Tommy Acosta
(May 8, 2021)
I always liked observing people. Since I was little, I would make a game out of it, trying to guess what that person did for a living; whether they were leading a full life or not, were they happy or sad, strong or weak, extrovert or introvert, etc.

I would go to a park or beach, find a bench and just observe. It was like looking at a movie of their life forming in my mind as I watched them pass by. I would see similar quirks in sad people or happy people. I would take clues from the way they walked or stood; their mannerisms when speaking and other subtle hints.
I found this pastime useful later in life when I was in the news reporting business. I could look at people and tell when they were lying or covering something up, more times than naught.
Recently, I had some time to kill in in Uptown Sedona. It was beautifully sunny. The skies were pristine, free of any trace of chem trails.
Taking in the backdrop view of our magnificent Red Rocks, I found a place to sit. Enjoy the flow of the traffic. Feel the heart of Sedona.
I figured I had a bit of alone time to conduct a quick social study of the tourists walking by.
I counted the number of people wearing masks and those who were unmasked. I estimated 60 percent of the pedestrians were not wearing them.
I came up with an experiment. I would make eye contact with people wearing masks while wearing a mask; take my mask off and do it again.
Then I would make maskless contact with others who were not wearing one; and then make eye contact with the unmasked while wearing one, covering all my bases.
I started with the unmasked.
I observed most of the unmasked passing by my perch were smiling, talking and carefree. They made eye contact. I smiled. They smiled back at me. They seemed to be at ease and totally unconcerned.
I waited a bit then slipped a mask on to see if they would react differently.
As they passed, some of the unmasked looked at me with quizzical almost pitiful looks. It was like “Hey? Didn’t you get the memo. We don’t have to wear masks outside anymore!”
I could have sworn that one person walking by looked at me and I distinctly heard the word “asshole” form in their head.
I left my mask on and continued my experiment, turning my attention to the masked.
The masked passed by in groups and couples. As I did with the unmasked, I attempted to make eye contact, but their eyes were averted, as if they were walking through a minefield of death and had to be careful where to put their foot down.
I could not tell if they were smiling or scowling since I could only see half their faces, but what I picked up was tension.
With the few who made eye contact, I was eyed with suspicion. There was a wariness in their countenance.
I waited until enough people passed by and took off my mask. Immediately a masked person glared at me. It was like when I had the mask on, I was of no interest to them but when I took it off, suddenly I was a threat.
There was anger in some of their eyes. There was hate. There was disgust in their gaze.
I acknowledge the masked have every right to be angry with anyone who poses a lethal threat to them. But I was not prepared for the stares of hate I got.
I reminded myself that people are frightened. Hundreds of thousands have been reported dead from Covd-19 related ailments.
People are in a survival mode, gripped in what they see as a life-and-death situation. Of course, they will look with great anger at someone who they perceive is a threat to them, their family and country. For some, the fight against Covid-19 is not just a battle. It is a war!
On my way back to the car, I felt sad. Deeply sad.
Not for the unmasked who won’t even vaccinate, I have no pity for them other than noting the freedom they enjoy, regardless if it has an expiration date.
If they want to take a chance and drop dead, fine. If they die a horrible slow death connected to gurgling tubes and separated from their families. Tough cookies. Too bad. They made the decision. Live or die with it. Meanwhile, until then, they are living happy fearless lives once again. For what price? Time will tell.
It was for the masked that I felt compassion. They can never feel safe again. The division now is too deep. There will never be herd immunity. There will never be 100 percent protection.
The vaccinations are trudging. Not even a third of the population is fully vaccinated. The drug companies are losing millions and thousands of doses have spoiled and expired. People are saying no to the authorities. There is little the experts can do to force people to vaccinate…unless the government makes it a crime not to.
There are still millions of Americans who have not even taken the test and most likely never will. Which means the U.S. population is rife with ticking ambulatory Covid-19 time-bombs.
At least for those who take the virus seriously, there is the protection the vaccine is purported to provide and the wearing of masks to keep them safe. Add social distancing and washing hands to the mix, and you better your odds of surviving.
No one knows for how long people will have to wear masks. We don’t know if yearly booster shots are going to be necessary. The future is very uncertain in that area. But at least those who mask have a modicum of protection. Those who do not mask or vaccinate, have their immune systems.
What we all need to do at this juncture in our attempt to defeat Covid-19 and its affect on our psyche, is to understand how the other guy feels.
Should the unmasked look at the masked with derision and judgement? Should the masked look at the unmasked with hate and anger?
No. It does not have to be so.
We all need to look deep inside and see our own prejudice; respect the feelings of others, regardless if they are diametrically opposed to your own ideas and beliefs.
And smile. Smile! Whether you are wearing one or not.
Interesting article. I was surprised by your results. I wonder if the unmasked are really as carefree as they seem. Maybe. How do you deny science, deny the headlines, are remain carefree. I guess by not reading anything that conflicts with your deeply held beliefs. From a placebo standpoint, they are likely somewhat protected — their beliefs say they won’t get it — although many of their beliefs have gotten the virus. A church in Salem, Oregon just had 74 cases and still isn’t shutting down. It seems Covid is a fascinating study in beliefs, in humanity, in compassion and caring for others. It is our 2020 — 20?? teacher. I would love to see it replaced with something higher up the scale of consciousness but it seems we aren’t ready for that yet.
I am an unmasked person who does not believe anything this lying government and all of its institutions claim to be reality. The sheep are told what to believe in and they follow blindly the orders of their masters through people like you and idiots like John Robert acting as their sheep dogs. A diagnosed case is not a diagnosed death sentence. Consciosnness cannot be weighed so throw your scale out the window.
Masks are just as effective as shoveling sand with a tennis racket and they do nothing to stop or slow the Bat virus from China.
Fauci is complicit in creating a weapon out of the Bat Virus and should be investigated, tried, and jailed for his crimes against humanity.
Digital vaccine passports of any kind are discriminatory against those based on their medical status, religious beliefs and more. Requiring a vaccine as a condition to participate in society is unlawful, immoral, unethical and unthinkable.
Private businesses are NOT above the law and they are PROHIBITED from implementing any such verification program as a condition of doing business. They can’t, by law, say that anyone must wear a mask for the same reason they can’t say that you must smoke pot before you enter their store since marijuana is now legal in this state.
There are LAWs (not mandates, not emergency orders) that protect one’s religious liberty and practice, including the ability to NOT PARTICIPATE in practices that violate one’s sincerely held religious beliefs, like wearing a mask or taking an experimental vaccine.
Arizona code states that NO county, municipality or legislative body may pass or enforce a law that violates the laws of this state or the laws of the United States.
Arizona health and safety code states that a local health emergency can only be called where there is an ‘IMMINENT AND PROXIMATE THREAT of the INTRODUCTION of a contagious disease…” and this local health emergency EXPIRES AFTER SEVEN DAYS. The local health emergency was called in Feb of 2020; this is 15 months later. THERE IS NO EMERGENCY! There is no imminent and proximate threat of an introduction of a contagious disease.
There is no emergency, and there never has been. The numbers don’t add up. You are participating in this charade to get money – which is fraud; to implement the emergency vaccines (also fraud): and to impose authoritarian control. Fraud is a felony, and felonies carry a prison sentence. Many public servants are behind bars serving hard time for their crimes.
You don’t go into the emergency room with a broken leg and stay in the EMERGENCY until your leg is healed. You get a cast on your leg – and then you are released from the EMERGENCY room – because IT IS NO LONGER AN EMERGENCY, even though your leg is not yet healed.
Requiring a Covid vaccine (which is a medical experiment) as a condition to participate in society is UNLAWFUL COERCION according to our laws. This is the Protection of Human Subjects in Medical Experimentation Act
The Legislature hereby finds and declares … the right of individuals to determine what is done to their own bodies. NO ONE can make you wear a mask or take a vaccine.
This is the “experimental subject’s bill of rights,” and states that individuals
Be given the opportunity to decide to consent or not to consent to a medical experiment without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, coercion, or undue influence on the subject’s decision.
(many thanks to The Healthy American)
Bravo! Thank you JB Sedona. Now let’s see who comes out of the woodwork to attack you for telling the truth.
JB Sedona
@sandy S
Don’t you love it when one persons posts and then relays to thier OWN post with another name. As. Said previous…. no one cares I’m vaccinated and I’m getting on with living. Please try getting a life….. no one is listening nor do we care what you say. Is your ego really that fragile. !!?? LOL I hear your old BFis doing better then ever.
I assure you, Joe (aka John Roberts) I am not nor do I know Sandy – altho she sure seems like a nice person.
Stop projecting. Stop lying. Karma is a real thing and God is watching.
We all, except for the likes of “bravo” girl above, applaud JB Sedona for his perfect impression of the Disney characters, Goofy or the dwarf, Dopey. Outstanding enough that hence forth we’ll be comfortable in so addressing him/her or perhaps just as Jughead,
Masking is a religion ? Really is that your considered opinion; Goofy ? Aw common you can’t be serious or maybe you really are that deranged.
Your understanding of law is proof you need a lawyer to complete any visit you make to your outhouse or needing a doctor to make sure you are correct in the diagnosis.
This could go on endlessly but I have no interest wasting much time on such a blithering numb nut.
I’m sure one or two twin jugheads are out there to take the bait to establish that they too are like JB.
Please nobody put this jerk out of his/her misery because I’m enjoying it too much laughing at the antics of her/him being a pure Goofy or Dopey and that would end the fun for about all of us. Seriously.
Holy snatch block can you believe this expose that jughead exists.
Seems you often confuse Legislation with Law – the two are not the same.
Indeed, much legislation is unlawful.
No matter, ’tis a common failure among those who have mistakenly acceped indoctrination as education.
I put it down to low-quality parenting …
Be safe.
Yes, even you, John Roberts can make an ”ATTESTATION OF FAITH” because YOU are born with God-given rights protected by the United States Constitution.
God created you in His image and you are an image-bearer of God.
“God breathed into man and he became a living soul.”
The Bible says we should stand before God with our faces unveiled.
We are born with God-given rights that the Constitution protects.
ANY private business has a LEGAL CLASSIFICATION as a “public accommodation” according to
federal law, Title III Reg 28 CFR §36.104. A private business serves the public and therefore
must abide by all state and federal laws. No business policy supersedes the law. No governor’s
order, health order, emergency or pandemic supersedes our Constitutionally-protected rights.
Any business is open to the public, and I am the public. Any denial of my service violates
several federal laws.
Federal law 28 CFR §36.202 prohibits “denial of participation” from any open business
establishment. §36.202(c) states that unless I have been individually assessed as a “direct
threat” that business may not exclude me from the SAME and EQUAL services as others.
Denying service or requiring customers to be served outside or be limited to home delivery is a
VIOLATION of Title II, III and VII of the U.S. Civil Right Act of 1964.
Title III, Sections §36.202(a)(b)(c) and §36.203(a)(b)(c) states that customers shall not be denied the
same PARTICIPATION and EQUAL ACCESS as everyone else. The law prohibits businesses from
serving customers separately or differently for not masking up.
As such, any business is PROHIBITED from unlawful discrimination by denying the entry of any
member of the public who is not disturbing the peace. To do so is a crime of FALSE
IMPRISONMENT, and that business can be held personally liable for this crime.
Business like to cry “trespassing” for the unmasked, however, according to the LAW, businesses that are open to the public are open to those even if they do not wear a mask (or take an experimental vaccine) and thus any charge of “trespass” is a false accusation as unmasked individuals are complying with all lawful conditions allowing them to remain on the premises.
You are correct, J. B. Sedona. For those who fail to understand what you have shared here is additional information:
Law #1: Businesses/ employers cannot discriminate against or harass any individual. Even if you wear a mask, and even if they want the shopper to wear a mask, and even if they think it’s a good idea for
shoppers to wear a mask, the law states that you cannot refuse to serve a shopper without a
mask. This law is called Arizona Civil Code and it requires them to serve each person
without discrimination, and must do so in the same and equal manner. That means they
cannot make them be separated from others, and they must serve these customers like anyone else, regardless of whether they are wearing a mask or not. If they violate this law, it is a $12,000
fine against them every time you violate the civil rights of another person, even if they do it
without intending to.
Law #2: The Health Department states that some people are exempt from wearing
a mask because it makes it too hard for them to breathe. That means they don’t have to wear
one. Some people also do not wear a mask because it goes against their religious belief, and
they don’t have to wear one. These laws are from the U.S. Title II and Title III of the Civil Right
Act of 1964 that protects people from discrimination. They can get a fine for these violations.
Law #3: The Business and Professions Code prohibits any person from being
excluded from a business transaction on the basis of a policy expressed in any document or
writing and imposed by a third party where that policy requires discrimination against that
person. A violation of any provision of this section is a conspiracy against trade.
Businesses are discriminating if they deny service to someone who is not wearing a mask. Just like they
could not deny service to someone in a wheelchair or if they are wearing a turban or if they
don’t speak English, they cannot deny service to someone who is not wearing a mask.
Law #4: By requiring masks, they are guilty of practicing medicine without a license, which is a
violation of Arizona Penal Code, if they tell someone they have to wear a mask, which is
defined by the FDA as a Class II medical device.
Law #5: By preventing someone’s entry to a place of business, they are guilty of false
imprisonment, Penal Code §236 PC. “The unlawful violation of the personal liberty of another,”
if they prevent a person from shopping.
Law #6: It is a crime to harass someone in the workplace. Title VII of the U.S. Civil Right Act of
1964 prohibits harassment in the workplace.
John – hope this helps. I know that you have a reading comprehension problem. I suggest English 101 at Yavapai Community College.
JB/Jughead – I’ve ceased laughing so I can bang out a few comments on my keyboard.
First though did you read my thoughts about your rebuilding Sedona roads nonsense ?
See, I too know from my grandkids to use capitals to gain ATTENTION.
So good to read that you are that religious. Did your attorney help you to be such a goody goody as you were being escorted to your outhouse?
When you asked, what connection was masking to your religion I realized you either have eyesight problems or never learned how to read carefully .Hope it’s stupidity and not a health problem for you.
That’s not what I asked.
And, how often do you and God have a talk. I prefer not bothering him, her or it as God is far too busy with much more important matters. My faith is innate and was nurtured by a great pair of parents although we never attended church. It’s in very good order.
Oh, by the way I practiced law as an expert witness through guidance from some of the finest attorneys in the nation. I don’t bother quoting it like you so ably do. Congratulations.
Don’t have anything else to relate so be a good boy, douse your mountain high ego each morning when you fall out of the sack and cool down the nonsense you write because you’ll wear out your finger tips that way in typing.
However do keep being funny so you replicate Goofy and Dopey. OK?
Best to you.
Do you know what ” blow hard ” means ?
Again, John Roberts offered up NO FACTs, only opinions, which we know, along with calling anyone he disagrees with some “charming” name, is nothing. Sticks and stones, dear man, unless you’d like to meet sometime and put your money where your mouth is.
Just ignore John Roberts, JB and Sandra. Since he has opted to be part of the “great experiment,” we know he doesn’t have long to live and this is the only way he gets his jollies.
Well now , ” Greetings and top of the morning to my good friends, Jughead and El Stupido. One quotes the village bookie, his banker, while the other doesn’t know which person is which. You two can keep it up forever amusing those of us bored with the world news. It’s almost an Abbot and Costello act but not quite. Since none of us are paying, who cares. Wonder what happened to that sweetheart of the pig pen did she get a case of distemper from her companions ? Or is she pining for the ex who dumped her for a better performer.
Now off to my lunch. Wonder if I’ll be having more lobster tail and tiramisu today. Hope you 3 enjoy the meal off the barnyard floor.
Bye bye kiddies.
[EDITED by Staff: Ms Schoor, while we try to refrain from editing comments, you are being inappropriate. A better response would be “I think you’re wrong, here’s why” and cite your sources.]
Well, well. … [content removed by Editor] but you are wrong and will always be wrong and you will never be able to claw yourself out of your own redundancy..
If you haven’t already, please do listen to Dr. Reiner Fuellmich who is trial lawyer who has gathered all the evidence from 100 scientists that the covid pandemic is the worst crime against humanity ever committed. He is working with 1000 lawyers worldwide to sue all who are complicit in this crime against humanity. They are preparing a second Nuremberg trial.
They have the evidence that the PCR test is a fraud, unable to detect a virus. Also the lockdowns have no scientific basis.
To see all the evidence for yourself, go here:
I haven’ worn a mask.
I have not quarrantied.
I have not unsocially distanced.
I have not and will no ake the injection.
I observe an incredibly successful exercise in social engineering with which I refuse to comply.
Reckon this whole COVID-9 gig is a total scam designed to accomplish two things:
1. Get as many people innoculated as possible. The scam designed in such a manner that people will not need it trust on them but will eagerly queue for it and even demand it.
2. To find out just how gullible people are and to what extremes they can be pushed before rebelling.
This ‘virus’ seems to be incredibly intelligent.
Mind you,it has the tools, namely:
a) A tape measure so’s it knows to only attack folks less than six feet apart.
b) A chronometer so it can observe curfews.
c) A calendar so it know on what day to start or end attacks.
In restaurants it knows only to attack folks wihout masks if they are not eating. If you are eating, it’ll leave you alone.
Soon, all restrictions will be removed though I hear Biden talking about restrictions only being removed from those who have been innoculated in order to encourage more people to get jabbed.
Wotevah … some sense of ‘normal’ (whatever that is) will prevail and then, just as folks are comfortable again, there will be another wave which will neccesitate yet another lockdown, the psychological effect of which will be extremely damaging to many people.
What the people will not realise is that this new wave will be he result, not of any COVID but of the effects of the so-called “vaccine”.
Here’s something to consider: those heavily promoting these “vaccines” are the same individuals promoting population reduction.
Be safe …
So Mr. Intbel…how are we to understand the devastation occurring in India and Brazil. Is this perhaps being exaggerated or falsely reported to advance some worldwide conspiracy of which only you and a select group of other enlightened ones are aware? And shouldn’t we soon be seeing waves of death among the vaccinated as you have predicted? Sedona should be especially affected. As far as I know, very very few have been vaccinated in India, but deaths continue…they must be dying of something. Perhaps you and other Covid deniers are actually the individuals promoting population reduction as you stated above.
Listen to people on the ground in India and you’ll hear a different story.
Keep at it Mudguts. But your efforts are up against a whole bunch of idiots like that twerp intbel. It’s impossible that the conspiracy jerks were actually cheated of brains by the good lord unless he/she/it was disgusted with them for other reasons. Maybe they were headed to be communists, Proud Boys or some other etc.. And if so I agree with the reasoning from upstairs.
In addition to me not allowing myself to wear a mask(Because I only care about myself not others) I drive as fast as I can run red lights pay no attention to any traffic laws!!!! It’s my right as a free man to do whatever I want without any regard for anybody else. Yes I’m selfish that way and I can give you a bunch of legal mumbo-jumbo to prove them right End it all mask wearers or sheep!!! I walk in my own selfish line.. Hooray for me screw you is my motto
Er … that is not my post.
Hey there Dumbel ,when you next get a frothy thirsty fever like this try not to drink with your head under water in the toilet this long. It’s not healthy, boy !!!!!!!
My very best to you.
Who pilled J.R.?
We, the people have been played big time.
Dr. (the fraud) Fauci admitted that masks are all “theater” and do nothing to stop or slow the spread of disease.
And now we learn that those that have received the CCP virus vaccine may soon be ineligible to fly due to health risks including blood clots, strokes and heart attacks. Airline may begin restricting those that have received the CCP virus vaccine, while the unvaxx’d will be able to board and fly freely.
The Monty Python team could not have written it better 🙂