Community March in support of Earth Day and as a satellite to the National March for Science
Sedona AZ (April 10, 2017) – “March for the Earth; March for Science” will take place on April 22 from 1-3 PM in Sedona, to celebrate Earth Day and as a satellite march to the National March for Science and its over 400 satellite marches around the world, which occur the same day. Sedona’s marchers will step off from Creative Gateways, 45 Birch Blvd. off SR89A (across from Whole Foods) in West Sedona at 1PM and will march to Thai Spices, at 2611 SR89A.
Community Groups that support science, promote climate change awareness, and take part in environmental protection and education have been invited to participate and bring information related to those issues. “Earth Day is a perfect day for speaking about science,” said Michelle Grimm, one of the march organizers. “The way we study our planet and understand it is a great example of the value that science provides. Science tells us about the red earth under our feet and the stars above our heads. We need science to understand how to best protect our Mother Earth.” The Washington D.C. Science March is being co-organized with the National Earth Day Network.
The Sedona march is one of many taking place throughout Arizona and the country. The march aims to bring diverse groups of people together in an expression of climate change awareness, support for environmental protection, and for informed science as part of governmental policy making. It is being organized by the same coalition behind the Women’s March in Sedona, that had 1,500 hundred participants back in January.
The march is open to everyone. Signs will be available, but people are encouraged to bring their own, expressing positive messages in support of the Earth and Science.
This looks like a thinly disguised march against President Trump. If so, there could be some counterattacks. I sincerely hope not, but being organized by the same coalition behind the Women’s march looks like they are continuing the “Let’s get rid of Trump” agenda pushed by the late night comedy TV talk show hosts and the democrats. “The march is open to everyone.” I hope that’s true and it won’t be a brawl.
Archie could you please clarify your comments about counterattacks and brawls? Are you aware of specific actions being planned or is this a general concern? I ask because it is unclear from your comments what exactly you mean and I would like some clarity from you please.
By the way, the Women’s Marches across the country in January were remarkably peaceful and the one I attended in Austin at the invitation of my 7 year old grand daughter had about 100,000 people and no arrests. There were people of all ages, ethnic groups and genders expressing their constitutional rights of peaceful assembly and free speech safely and with gusto. I would expect the same behavior at this march and from any counter protest.