One of a Kind Farmall Cub Kept Famous Zoo in Shape
Sedona AZ (April 26, 2021) – Post WWII, the maintenance department of the world renown San Diego Zoo was struggling with the tough grasses on its many acres of sloped and hilly terrain. Standard tractors just weren’t “cutting it”, literally!
When the zoo solicited the Farmall company for a solution, the company solved the problem with a highly modified 1953 Farmall Cub tractor mower.
The Cub stood a mere 36 inches high and featured extra wide rear wheels. It had a speed-adapted transmission that operated a 2-speed differential in the rear axle. A 4-foot long hydraulically-operated cycle bar was attached for grass mowing, and weights were added to all four wheels to increase stability.

Only two Farmall Cubs were manufactured, and the only one still in existence has been completely restored by the current owner, Rudy Valen of Camp Verde, AZ. Mr. Valen is a member of the Arizona Flywheelers Antique Tractors and Engine Club.
The club is open to new members, and meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:15 a.m. at Denny’s restaurant in Cottonwood. For information call Gary Covert at 928 301–0649 or check the website at
The Arizona Flywheelers will be displaying at the Cottonwood Craft Show on October 29 and 30th, 2021 to be held at the Cottonwood Fair Grounds.