By Jason Stone, Sedona Resident
(October 11, 2020)
Why I don’t need another debate to decide who to vote for…
Trump has delivered record low unemployment for almost every group of Americans. If you have a 401k or IRA, you’re very happy. He delivered tax cuts that put money in the pockets of middle class Americans and his elimination of regulations has created thousands of jobs. He increased wages for low and middle income earners for the first time in decades. His energy policies have given us independence from corrupt Middle East governments, jobs and wealth. His trade deals with Mexico, Canada and many other countries benefit America and create jobs HERE. He believes people want jobs, not handouts.
At one point, Biden and Obama had unemployment rates that equaled those caused by a global pandemic. Biden wants to end fracking and kill the energy boom and supports the Green New Deal which will destroy our economy with its trillions in costs (in spite of his denials, look at his plan on his website). For votes, he promises free everything and loan forgiveness programs that are impossible to fund and would bankrupt the nation. His support of one-sided trade deals has killed a great many industries and jobs and contributed greatly to our calamitous debt.
Trump has reached out in word and deed to the black community delivering record jobs and unemployment through Opportunity Zones with private funding the Dems can’t corrupt. His policies have created over 1 million new jobs for African Americans. He passed prison reform legislation that benefited blacks more than any other group.
Biden’s support of the 90’s crime bill incarcerated many of the blacks Trump’s reform bill released. He panders to the black community but has supported Democrat policies that for decades have disadvantaged them. Over his career he has made numerous racist comments that would have devastated a conservative’s career.
Trump has strengthened our military and freed them to do the job of protecting America. He has also respected them by cleaning up the VA hospitals mess, something other presidents couldn’t figure out how to do. His policies have eliminated ISIS, removed our troops from Syria and severely reduced the fighting there. He has cooled the threat from North Korea, slammed the brakes on Iran’s rise, and secured historic deals between Israel and Arab countries to further neuter Iran and foster peace between forever enemies. He has served notice to the world that America will protect our interests and that our allies will have to contribute to their own protection to remain under America’s defensive umbrella.
Biden and Obama contributed greatly to Iran’s rise in the Middle East through an appeasement deal that emboldened and enriched the mullahs. He supported the invasion of Iraq and has a cold war mentality that sees threats where they hardly exist today (Russia) and ignores those of greatest urgency (China, Iran). He has always ignored the abuse of America’s generosity by our allies
Trump is the 1st president to do anything to slow China’s goal of global domination via theft and cheating. His policy of America First resulted in a deal that benefits Americans. He will hold them accountable for releasing the COVID virus on the world.
Biden and several family members have used his positions of power to enrich themselves. He is a globalist that has supported trade policy that has sold out American jobs and businesses. He doesn’t recognize China as a threat much less our greatest one.
Trump will soon have appointed 3 constitutionalists to the SC and has made public his list of candidates. He set a record for the greatest number of judges seated to the federal courts.
Biden won’t even make public the fact that he fully intends to pack the SC and completely change our system of government to tilt power to his party. He will appoint judges that make policy, not rule on the law and his and Obama’s administration left hundreds of judicial positions open upon leaving office indicating a lack of importance in their view.
Trump believes in America and Americans as exceptional. He supports the rights of the unborn. He believes in the value of our history, warts and all, and in protecting the symbols of our history. He supports the right of all Americans to feel safe in their communities and respects the law enforcement agencies we hire to do this increasingly thankless job. He supports our right to defend ourselves and to own a firearm to do so with. He has taken steps to protect our right to worship however we want and to safeguard the institutions where we do so. He believes we are all created equal and that one group isn’t entitled to favor over another because of their skin color, gender, or anything else. He believes in immigration that is based on merit and in following the laws set up to responsibly control it.
Biden was VP for a guy that apologized to the world for America and part of an administration that fostered racial strife that gave legitimacy to Antifa and BLM and began the demonization of all police. He has tacitly endorsed the chaos in the streets by refusing to condem BLM, Antifa and others responsible for it. He has stated that Beto O’Rourke will be his gun control czar, someone who openly states his intention to take away Americans 2nd Amendment rights. He supports policies based on identity that divide Americans across many spectrums. His record on immigration is one of open borders and the drain it creates on our resources, jobs, and quality of life. He is a Catholic that supports abortion.
While Trump is Trump and I don’t support the way he approaches many things, his policies are sound and by far better for Americans. It’s easy to figure out who I’m voting for, but what I can’t figure out is why anyone else would vote differently. Of course, feel free to do so because thank God, we are still a free country as long as the socialists on the left don’t gain full power.