By James Gerald (Jerry) Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Bowser, B.C., Canada
(June 27, 2014)
There are groups of citizens and scientists around the globe opposed to Smart Meters and for very good reasons. I am a retired Electronic Warfare (EW) officer who spent 22 of my 26+ years in the Canadian Armed Forces in EW and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), throughout which I worked closely with U.S. and NATO EW and SIGINT organizations. I also had the good fortune to be invited to visit the Pentagon and Fort Bragg, NC. I am aware of the Smart meter opposition efforts in Sedona and the misinformation that utilities and communications companies with special interests are promulgating around the globe – which includes all provinces in Canada. I would like to respond to some gross misinformation out there.
The radio frequency signals emitted by Smart Meters definitely are NOT “similar to those emitted by televisions, radios and other common household devices”
- For one thing, “radios, TVs and other common household devices” can only receive signals; they themselve emit no radiation whatsoever;
- The above devices all use analogue signals, which are less harmful to living organisms, including people, etc.;
- Smart Meters contain two (2) transmitters, both of which emit low-level PULSED non-thermal microwave radiation;
- non-industry funded scientists know that PULSED non-thermal radiation is far more harmful to the cells and organs of any living thing;
- non industry-funded scientists say that there is no such thing as a SAFE level of radiation, no matter how weak the signal!
- the frequency on which a Smart Meter’s primary transmitter operates, 910 MHz, is one of the most dangerous frequencies imaginable, because it penetrates more deeply every organ of the human body; it also will cook food and heat liquids faster and more effectively than does the microwave oven frequency of 2.4 GHz – which, incidentally, is the frequency on which a Smart Meter’s 2nd transmitter operates;
- Just the 910 MHz transmitter alone emits, on average, 12,000 pulses to a maximum of 190,000 pulses per day; and, effectively, Smart Meters are active 24/7/365 in perpetuity – contrary to what electric utilities tell the public.
I hope you will provide your community with correct information. Thank you for your time.
Kudos to for printing Mr. Flynn’s letter disclosing this very pertinent information about the risks of wireless smart meters. Many media outlets across North America are declining to print letters such as this. The biotoxic nature of smart meters, and in fact every aspect of the global smart grid, are not to be taken lightly. People around the world are actively resisting the roll-out of smart meters. In British Columbia where I live, we have been battling the installation of smart meters for three years and currently have a massive class action lawsuit underway against our utility corporation, BC Hydro, over its smart meter program. I am one of several thousand plaintiffs in that lawsuit. I hope the people of Sedona will inform themselves sufficiently of the many risks associated with wireless smart meters and will collectively resist this threat to health and safety being foisted upon them.
Daily Oklahoman needs to take a lesson from your fair coverage given to this critical matter.
Mr. Flynn is quite mistaken in his assertion that “radios, TVs and other common household devices can only receive signals; they themselves emit no radiation whatsoever.” In actual fact, in consumer AM/FM radios and television sets, the receiver’s local oscillator acts like a low-power continuous wave (CW) transmitter. Google ‘super heterodyne receiver’ for more details on how this works.
Furthermore, many household appliances – from electric toothbrushes to vacuum cleaners – create electromagnet fields that are far more effective at penetrating human tissues than emissions those from SmartMeters.
No regulatory body anywhere in the world accepts the bizarre notion that these devices pose any health risk. By all means, inform yourself about SmartMeters and other sources of electromagnetic radiation. But, don’t restrict your reading to crackpot opinion; also check out some authoritative sources.
Mr. Whitney is misleading people when he says that AM/FM radios emit radiation. He is confusing electromagnetic fields (EMF) with microwave radiation. True, both can cause problems but they are definitely different.
And he is horribly wrong when he says that no regulatory body accept the notion that microwave radiation poses a health risk. The World Health Organization classifies microwave radiation from wireless devices such as cordless phones, cell phones, and smart meters as a 2b carcinogen (possibly carcinogenic). If they felt there was no harm it would be classified as a 4. Most independent scientists believe it should be (and soon will be) classified as a 1 — a true carcinogen.
Industry people don’t want us to know the truth. Here is what Dr. Martin Pall, Univ. of Washington says:
“[Pulsing digital] “Smart meters” should be abolished because they use short high-intensity pulses of microwave radiation. [
Mr. Whitney, like promoters of today’s wireless devices everywhere, is attempting to obfuscate the truth. What I said was and is correct: AM/FM radios and TVs etc. can receive signals only – in the form of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation (EMR or simply ‘radiation’). Because none of them has a transmitter, they themselves cannot emit any RF radiation. So, in that sense, they are benign and don’t pose a significant health problem. However, Smart Meters, baby monitors, Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, cordless phones etc all contain complete RF transmitter, receiver and antenna circuits, which enable them to transmit and receive “low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation” – which honest scientists around the world know is harmful to all life forms, not just people! Informed people also know that all electrical devices and appliances in the home (e.g., coffee pot, hair dryer, electric blanket, kitchen stove, refrigerator etc.) when plugged into an A/C outlet, but not turned ON, create an electric field. When turned ON, they then also create a magnetic field – which scientists also know is harmful to all living things, people included. See for the most authoritative, respected non-industry funded science-based study of EMR and electric and magnetic fields (EMF). It also explains that it is our chronic exposure to this low-level, pulsed, non-thermal microwave radiation that harms us and all other life forms. And Smart Meters cannot be turned off. Sincerely, Jerry Flynn
From a July 2013 Decision of the British Columbia Utilities Commission after several days of sworn testimony and expert opinion:
Mr. Flynn is a passionate advocate, unwavering in his belief that electro-magnetic radiation and wireless AMI meters are “The Worst Threat to our Health, Personal Privacy, Democracy and National Security in Canada’s Entire History.” He relies upon any negative information regarding EMF and wireless meters without regard to the reliability of the source. Further, many of the sources he referred to in cross-examination related to the state of scientific research in the 1970s or earlier. These are unhelpful given that there has been extensive research into RF health effects in the years since. Mr. Flynn’s evidence should be given little or no weight.
The panel is of the view that throughout the Proceeding Mr. Flynn demonstrated that he was an advocate. A considerable amount of evidence he submitted was questionable and from untested or unreliable sources. His qualifications are not considered by the Panel to be relevant and Mr. Flynn admitted he is not an ‘expert’. For these reasons, the Panel assigns little to no weight to the evidence provided by Mr. Flynn.
With so many EMF, EMR, RF and Microwave emitting devices now in our homes, pretty soon all we need to do to cook a hamburger is take it out of the fridge, leave it on a plate and come back a few minutes later to a steaming meal.
These multitude of opinions are just more evidence that no one understands smart meters and their effect on us all. Thus they should not be used. A good Engineer would not put something out that is so controversial despite their personal feelings either way.
A good Engineer would find another way to accomplish the goal.
Guess the conclusion is APS has no good engineers there, just greedy businessmen.
Billl Eich
Smart Meters are a surveillance device. They are a search without a warrant. They collect detailed energy usage, for instance: when you cook, watch TV, whether you are home or not, when you turn on a light, or if you have guests. This data is very valuable because it can reveal patterns about what you do and when. California utility companies admitted they are providing smart meter data to the government and third parties.
The World Health Organization classifies RF as a 2B carcinogen, same as DDT and lead. Military studies show pulsed radiation can cause serious health problems, including tinnitus, memory loss and seizures. Thousands of studies link biological effects to RF radiation exposure, including increased cancer risk, damage to the nervous system, adverse reproductive effects, DNA damage, and more. The top public health official in Santa Cruz County, California, prepared a report, confirming Smart Meters pose a health risk. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) sent a letter to the CPUC calling for a halt to wireless smart meters.
If it walks like a duck…