By A Concerned KSB Member
(July 26, 2014)
In the July 25 edition on page 2 of section A is an 8×6 inch picture of a cartoon caricature projected by laser light on the large rock formation across Oak Creek/Schnebly Hill Rd from uptown. The caption to the picture reads, “YOUR EYES WEREN’T PLAYING GAMES. The City of Sedona, Keep Sedona Beautiful, local businesses and the Sedona Chamber of Commerce performed a laser light test on Camel Head Rock…”
What is true about this caption is that a test was performed. What is misleading is who performed the test. This test was performed by the Chamber of Commerce. KSB was invited to come as an observer to see if they would have any issues.
Just trying to set the record straight.
Why was the Chamber even doing a laser lighting? A new tourist attraction?
Floodlights and laser shows on the red rocks? You must be kidding! Sedona already has the best possible light show – billions of stars in our clear night skies. That’s one of the prime attractions for visitors, and a beautiful quality-of-life asset for residents.
The misguided effort to create a laser light show is just tacky. This was just a sick joke before, but now it appears that a few are serious and they’re misusing claims of support by others. They want to “test” it. That would be the camel’s nose in the tent. Let’s let them know up front that enough damage has already been done to Sedona’s dark skies by ADOT’s big streetlights on West 89A, and that’s where the line should be drawn.
Hey Jim,
I think the laser light show on the red rocks should be implemented. This will give me great material for my next comedy act at Good Morning Sedona!
Jim and John:
Whaddya mean? Have you ever been to Moab and taken the evening cruise on the Colorado where they use an old military searchlight running on a river side road to light the cliffs.
It is beyond tacky and is not real funny either. John, you better look somewhere else for Sedona foolishness—even we wouldn’t do this—or would we?
Seriously, I agree with you, Ron. I think this is one idea that shouldn’t see the “light” of day…..or night in this case!
I agree – this laser light show is tacky and will have a negative impact on our claim as “the most beautiful place in the world”. Stop this stupid and poor attempt to be entertaining and let the people who visit us enjoy the peace, and beauty of our Red Rocks and let them take home beautiful memories of their time in Sedona.
Kill the lase light show before its even starts.
Bill Eich