By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(April 9, 2021)
Do we have to read those posts in the Biz even though they are penned by two idiots wanting only to stroke their egos ? No. But it’s a good idea. Here’s a few reasons why.
First, thank you Tommy for never-the-less placing their garbage among the really worthy posts you print. This practice firmly demonstrates that the First Amendment is actively endorsed by the Sedona.Biz.
Perhaps of greater importance is that, you, by maintaining your open minded journalism remind all the leaders and doers in the community that airheads do exist. Our Constitution allows them a voice. Stupidity is a characteristic of mankind so lets not forget it is present. Because reminding us will serve to encourages all of the community to think about what the doers accomplish in spite of the posts by the spiteful minded few ( more like only two of them ).
And do these egocentrics contribute anything to the community ? Not that any of us have heard of.
Keep supporting a media of high standards in Sedona. It is appreciated.
“Do we have to read those posts in the Biz even though they are penned by two idiots wanting only to stroke their egos ?”
Let’s see, Tommy recently penned an off the deep end post about the glories of his oversized ego. Two First Names’ weird, angry posts and bizarre rear kissing are far too often displayed here. Very insightful of you JR to call yourselves out and encourage your right to spew nonsense.
Just today’s sampling of you “not being angry or mean” in your own words:
– idiots
– garbage
– airheads
– stupidity
– spiteful
– egocentric
Those are your “high journalistic standards”? Your post as always is another of your transparent pleas to be liked mixed with the usual name-calling weird tirade. For a guy who claimed he was taking the high road and not responding to me you sure spend a lot of time proactively attacking me for no reason. I occupy a lot of space in that noggin of yours so you might want to go see one of the local gurus to get some help just letting go… Be calm, he with Two First Names.
Hey!!!!!! Off the deep end? Oversized ego!!! Thanks for the awesome compliments. (:->
Just want you to know I totally enjoy the banter between you and Mr. Roberts. True wit from the tip of your pens. You are both really good writers, in my not too humble opinion, that is. I love when you both go at it.
I’ve hit my head diving into the shallow end of things so many times, off the deep end is all I know. And oversized ego requires a better adjective…Like stupendous, monstrous, gigantic, cosmic, corpulent and on and on… LOL. I was a bit worried no one would notice but you saved the day. Whew!
My pleasure, anytime I can help and I think you hit it with “cosmic”.
Glad you were able to remove Two First Names from your backside long enough to sit and reply (that’s got to be a nuisance). Joking aside, it’s nice to see while you and I definitely don’t agree on probably anything, you’re not so angry as to not be able to have a back and forth with even perhaps some consideration of the other person’s point of view and some definite levity.
P.S. The wit you refer to is definitely from my side of the JR back and forth (a tip to my own ego just for you!).
Keep it up Tommy. Enjoy your writing.
Mr. Smith, is that your real name ? I wonder if it is because your wild accusations are 180 degrees off of what we all know Tommy to be. Nor can I believe the concoctions you offered..
Here’s John Robert’s 4 basic facts of his “journalism.”
1. What the public doesn’t know, we won’t tell them
2. Don’t bother us with the facts, out minds are made up
3. If we can’t attack the data, we’ll attack the person, it’s easier
4. Do ones research by proclamation not investigation, it’s easier and people don’t know the difference
Whatever, John. You have a right to your opinions and I will defend that right with my dying breath.