By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(January 23, 2018)
Controversy has again erupted at the Sedona Fire District ( SFD ) according to the Jan 19th front page story in the Sedona Red Rock News. Tim Ernster, SFD board Member, is accused of misbehaving in a collusion like activity by citizen Dwight Kadar. Ernster wants to avoid answering in a direct manner by asking instead that the SFD lawyer investigate the matter. Why doesn’t he just provide us his side of the issue and be forthright. Injecting the SFD lawyer is an obfuscating maneuver. Many of us don’t like it.
Maybe if Ernster were to explain it himself he could also shed light on what I consider questionable behavior in his recent activities.
The first was when he advocated as Sedona City manager for the city to rebuild the collapsed Barbara Antonsen dome using the same flat dome design. That excessive flatness according to the engineer hired by the city to explain the cause for the failure was the real reason the dome fell apart. Nor is that flat a design acceptable as a dome design according to the applicable professional engineering guidelines.
Then Ernster as the appointed chair of the SFD citizens advisory committee also helped prepare all the information for the $18 million bond issue to rebuild district fire houses including the uptown station for $6 million. He needs to let us know why an engineer report contracted for by the SFD was hidden from public review for 6 months when it stated that the uptown fire house did not need to be replaced.
What is it about Tim Ernster that he ignores professional engineers ?
Lastly why did he as a SFD board member so lavishly praise fire chief Kazian for performance when the chiefs vigorous promotion of the bond issue failed so badly to succeed in the public vote. Such confidence rang hollow to us attending the meeting.
These unfavorable items in Tim Ernsters history in being a public servant deserve a clarification for us and him.
Let’s stay cool but keep tuned if Tim Ernster gives us an open and unfettered response to all the questions before we judge if Mr. Kadar has it right.
1 Comment
Someone tells us like it really is. Wonder if a reply will arrive from the chief or his sidekick on the Board.
Many Thanks for Real News in Sedona.