By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(October 30, 2017)
Mike Shroeder’s letter appearing in Sedona Biz on [10/27/17] opens the flood gates about the unsavory tactics going on perpetrated by those who proposed the bond issue for a November 7 vote. Here’s a few more thoughts to add to his message.
Mike’s letter in today’s Sedona Biz [email newsletter] makes very clear to me the answer to the same basic question I raised in a letter-to-the-editor I submitted to Christopher Fox Graham, editor of the Sedona Red Rock News. That question was who prepared the estimates for the construction costs which amounted to most of the total $17 million bond issue proposed by the SFD Board and chief Kazian and what were their qualifications for computing those costs.
Mike’s reporting the $17,750 gift from Core Construction ( Phoenix firm ) and 6 other contractors from the same place tells me all I need to know.
Oh yes, editor Graham rejected my letter and his reasoning was evasive and totally incompetent as anyone with experience in construction as I am would know.
What Mike’s letter also raises is the specter of more of the same behavior from the Phoenix based labor union which has interfered for years in the managing of our fire district, the SFD board and fire chiefs running the operations. Also in question by many of us is where the money came from for all those signs planted alongside our streets, illegally on 89A and on U Haul trucks parked in Bashas parking lot. Those postal mailed cards were posted in Phoenix – not Sedona. None of it was inexpensive.
So who else is out there working so hard to coerce or persuade voters in the Sedona Fire District to cast a yes vote for the bond issue?
Answering these additional questions will be embarrassing for those who try . This issue has become a real stinker solely created and caused by selfish interests with no interest in the best for our community.
My thanks to Mike for the expose’ and filling in the blanks.
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