By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(December 24, 2020)
The behavior we today are witnessing by Trump is so full of strident lying that it is getting too close to encouraging and swaying his rabid followers to take matters into their own hands to reject the results of the presidential election and declare him the winner.
Simultaneously his considering martial law is as dumb, unworkable and irrational as it can get. Except if rioting begins resulting from the remarks he’s making.
If so then maybe enacting martial law using the armed forces would be a good policy.
That then would require putting the seditious instigators into cells by our armed forces – padded in Trump’s case – to contain rioting.
( Sedition along with a medical diagnosis of insanity would be a proper legacy for Trump in the history books.)
This isn’t idle musing nor an acceptable conclusion by the lemmings following behind Trump.
But maybe better days are close enough and sedition will be relegated to the garbage dump.
You might better read up on or google the words martial law before spouting off like a lemming.
It sure isn’t hilarious to lumphead frothing at the mouth as he is now. He needs a towel to wipe off his face, so why not you send him a bundle of them for a Xmas gift.. That is real merriment.
Oh by the way what do you think that explosion in Nashville is all about ? Hilarity maybe ??
Poor John must be lonely. He submits his weekly rants against the best President this country has seen since Kennedy. I have seen the forensic proof of vote rigging by U.S. CYBER SPECIALIST COL. PHIL WALDRON, a military cyber war expert who affirmed that he saw the pings from Michigan to the tabulation site in Germany, then Spain.
John, it’s better that the votes are counted in America. This expert has lead brilliant attorney SIDNEY POWELL to determine that Trump actually had over 400 electoral college votes with PROPERLY COUNTED tabulation.
You need to get your head out of CNN and MSNBC before it disintegrates.
Tell me Gary me who gave you the info to put together your prejudicial post of 9/28 9:32 am ? It is obvious to me and millions of others.
Like everything Trump tells us I do not believe you. No, you are not lying , but yes you are not
employing normal mental analysis considering all the lying going.
Some 60 or so fed and state courts have rejected every claim like yours. Why do you think you haven’t been bamboozled when none of them have ?
You need to withdraw from solely listening to the Fox babbling and consider the output of CNBC, CNN & NBC just so you know the other side. Normality and intelligence suggests this.
Too bad you are a lemming who blindly follows a narcissistic lunatic masquerading as a president.
In the words of Juan O Savin:
“The coming uprising will be so painful that people will remember the fight forever.”
There’s plenty of FRAUD to the point I even question our local elections using the Dominion voting machines. Anyone who can fog a mirror knows there was FRAUD. Biden couldn’t pull more than 10 people together at a rally where in Arizona there was a car rally 35 miles long the Sunday before the election. The issue is finding the right venue to display the FRAUD in the face of massive resistance.
There’s more going on in Nashville than is told by the lying main stream media. The president can’t rush the exposure of the FRAUD – he must allow the justice system to go thru the motions.
But you bet your bottom dollar, we can NOT allow the stealing of the election. Reversing the coup is underway.
Stupidity is boundless.
I’m enjoying the lemming crowds. Are you ????
Don’t salivate too much you might get too wet.
ME again
In case Sedona.Biz posters like Mendez, Milaocq,Perez,Carrol and other pseudo intellectuals who in a state of self grandiosity lecture ” how to ” missed it while waving their resumes displaying a blank sheet this message is repeated. There are real residents ( doers ) who help the Sedona community with the loving bowls, passing a vote for the sewer bond ,supporting others as Rita Livingston did, spending hours in city council sessions, opposing and defeating dumb KSB programs, etc..
Of course it takes all kinds.
Happy new years to all. Stay masked, 6′ apart and healthy.