By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
(June 22, 2020)
You bet Trump is when considering these 7 selected events and actions. All carry negative effects for his chances of being elected the next president in the upcoming November balloting. But that’s not all of his headwinds.
1. Four highly respected generals, an admiral and a cabinet secretary; each with extensive history in their posts, with the presidency job and five of them with directly observing how Trump behaves as our president have publicly stated Trump is a lying unfit person. More are joining this group.
2. Bolton’s book now being distributed widely and well before the fall elections which is so critical of him and persuasive.
3. His utterly dumb Tulsa remark that COVID -19 testing frequency will be reduced – vigorously opposed by medical experts fighting the endemic disease .
4. An ugly series ; inferring Gugio’s falling incident in Buffalo was a staged opponents event, the todlers happy greetings video being faked by altering it into a racial fight, growing disputes with Dr. Fauci, not following CDC recommendations to mask, separate, etc. when in public view as our leader along with a constant barrage of ugly tweets directed at his opponents and critics.
5. Growing chorus from expert psychiatrists of the diagnosis that Trump has an unbalanced personalty and is badly afflicted with nacissism.
6. Not well hidden nasty cracks against the Black Lives Matter movement and a non stop criticism of protestors.
7. His smirking sanctimonious campaign Bible act at the St. Johns church.
All the above are affecting Trumps polling numbers negatively while his composure is hinting at a mood of desperation beginning to set in that things are not going well in his campaign. A negative and loser syndrome is not helpful to gain votes. The black American, suburban women, educated conservatives, past voting republicans as Trump support are beginning to thin in numbers while the younger voters are becoming much more interested in the election and as opponents more likely to be voting.
The American voter is plenty savvy and has begun to believe Trump is just not fit to be president despite some unsteady pluses such as with the economy, employment, rebuilding the armed services and trade agreements. More and more just do not like Trump as a person while Uncle Joe will always be likable even though his leftish leanings hurt.
I just wonder how anyone would deal with the constant barrage of the media, generals and others who have forgotten that the civilians run the military policy not the generals, and the fact that the entrenched 3 decades of bureaucrats look at their cushy positions of running the country as un-elected individuals are being threatened.
They tried a fake impeachment for three years, a Russian hoax that we are now getting the real details on, involvement of the previous president in the mess, and now a virus which as temporarily sidetracked the best economy in 3 decades with the lowest unemployment in half a century especially blacks, Latinos and Asians PLUS the first substantial increase in wages for the middle class….and only in 3 years despite the hate.
And when the job numbers they thought were going to go south another 7 million went up by 2.5 million, they did not like that.
So what is next – Riots, the destruction of our history, the destruction of private property, government property (owned by us) and the attack on cops. This has nothing to do with George Floyd and only a foll would think so. Especially when the destruction is being allowed almost exclusively in Democrat controlled cities.
Black Lives Matters – run be trained Marxists that admitted as much on national TV. How about a new slogan “All Black Lives Matter”. No, they are not interested in that.
The Democrats want nothing more than higher unemployment figures, in fact they pushed for $600 a month more for unemployment benefits than people were making when they lost their jobs and until that runs out employers who are trying to hire people back can’t get people to come back until their insurance runs out.
If you do not think this was by design….
Biden can’t remember what state he is in, if elected he will be told what to do. This is the guy who criticized the president for being xenophobic becasue he blocked Chinese in January from entering the country. Democrats forget that video tape exists.
If the voters are as stupid as the Democratic party thinks they are then we will get what the voters want.
My advice, if Trump loses, call your broker, turn everything you own into cash.
Trump is not a politician – he is a pragmatist fighting an entrenched bureaucracy that has been running our government for 3 decades.
Mike, every one of your point is valid. But my post was strictly about the headwinds facing Trump in being elected. That’s why I have a letter prepared to my brokers on cashing out in case Joe looks to be the winner.
Anonymous postings this morning ( 6/30 ) reported out from the Trump campaign that Trump will quit particularly as he thinks his chance to win reelection fades. This gets more interesting should various former Republican candidates begin to make noises indicating their renewed interest in the job.
Politics as an occupation sure gets unsteady at times. Ditch digging is far more secure employment.
Four month is plenty long enough time. Stay cool and safe.
Seems most of America disagrees with MikeS.
Democrats will take control of the presidency and both houses only because of Trump Republicans let him run wild and now they will pay the price.
A new Monmouth University poll finds former Vice President Joe Biden with a 53% to 41% lead over President Donald Trump.
Yes, taxes will go up because we need to stop borrowing and stop letting the super rich pass on money to the next generation tax-free. if stocks go down so be it, stocks are just a form of gambling it is not the economy. Stocks became overpriced because of the business tax cuts and stock buybacks. Get ready change is a-coming.
I ran into this the other day
Men who look upon themselves as born to reign, and others to obey, soon grow insolent; selected from the rest of mankind their minds are early poisoned by importance; and the world they act in differs so materially from the world at large, that they have but little opportunity of knowing its true interests, and when they succeed to the government are frequently the most ignorant and unfit of any throughout the dominions.
Thomas Paine.
Mike S.
You think Trump walks on water and is the best president we could have, is his statement made July 4th in T.V. true? and if so please show us the supporting data thanks.
On Saturday night, President Donald Trump made the dangerously inaccurate claim that 99% of coronavirus cases are “totally harmless. only 1% get sick or die!
Well now we hear from Steve Segner, Sedona’s self appointed sage, with his unrelated critical quips aimed at Mike Schroeder. Not one of Steve’s dizzy remarks land as Steve thinks they will. More goofy talk.
So john .R Mike likes to write 1000 word essays that say nothin, I asked a simple question.
Please just answers the question” Is trump correct saying 99% of coronavirus cases are “totally harmless and only 1% get sick or die! Easy you seem to have the same relationship with make as Pence has with Trump. We will be waiting for you answer and proof. Steve Segner, Sedona’s self-appointed sage, thanks
Are you going to answer the question or not or you just gonna do more personal attacks I asked a very simple question please answer it for all of us
Stevie is the goofy sage of Sedona that lives in his own dream world.Does he realize that the majority living in Sedona believe him as much as corrupt Biden who is tired and suffering from mental disorders.Perhaps we should feel sorry for one who lives so close.
Are you going to answer the question or not or you just gonna do more personal attacks I asked a very simple question please answer it for all of us
RJ Wachal, john roberts Michael Schroeder
Some words from your leader, Trump was asked about his next 4 years if he wins,
Well, one of the things that will be really great, you know, the word experience is still good. I always say talent is more important than experience. I’ve always said that. But the word experience is a very important word. It’s a very important meaning. I never did this before—I never slept over in Washington. I was in Washington I think 17 times, all of the sudden, I’m the president of the United States. You know the story, I’m riding down Pennsylvania Avenue with our First Lady and I say, ‘This is great.’ But I didn’t know very many people in Washington, it wasn’t my thing. I was from Manhattan, from New York. Now I know everybody. And I have great people in the administration. You make some mistakes, like you know an idiot like Bolton, all he wanted to do is drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to drop bombs on everybody. You don’t have to kill people.
RJ Wachal, john roberts Michael Schroede You guys are just too easy…. have a nice day.
Well Steve, even someone like you who is wrong so often, sometimes hits it right. Trump’s claim that testing proves COVID-19 is not dangerous and is 99.9% totally harmless is dead wrong. The data in reports throughout our nation and comparative foreign nation results prove this conclusively. The 120,000 dead Americans killed by the virus says Trump best stop trying to imitate being a medical expert. His advice is atrocious.
Steve that should answer your question. So stop hollering for one.
Better hook up with a successful financial advisor because your explanation for stock market behavior ranks way down in the trash heap with Trump’s medical expertise in competence.
November’s election in almost with us. Until then take time to reread Mike Schroeder’s 6/29 posting because it could help you understand reality.
Stay cool and well.