By Blue Boelter, Sedona Resident
(July 6, 2021)
So… you’re opening the forest up?!? Please see the attached photos I took in the area between Crescent Moon Ranch and my neighborhood, Cathedral Vista subdivision. Recent rain will not bring these trees back to life, leaving us at extreme risk of fire. A few neighbors and I fought a forest fire already on 6-8-21 a few hundred yards from here. Apparently human caused.
Opening this area of National Forest is insane! Before you open it, get some resources in here to remove all the dead trees, brush and grass! Anything short of that is criminal neglect.
I agree … opening the forrest is a bad idea…
I also disagree with the opening of the Forests at this time.
I would like to add that I was at Banjo Bills the week before the closure, and All the bar-b-ques were open and ready for use by anyone. A bit insane I think.
I also agree that the NFS should not be opening the forest in the midst of a terrible drought. Dead vegetation, including trees, is only one problem. Thoughtless hikers, especially those not familiar with drought, and its demands on hikers, are problematic in the forest now, especially. I implore the NFS to close the forest until lit is truly safe for humans to be in it.