Information & Perspective By Warren Woodward
(May 15, 2015)
Last month the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) rescinded the decision they made last December to allow APS to charge customers without “smart” meters a monthly extortion fee. However, the ACC’s decision was just a lame stalling technique, and it was filled with illegalities and lies. So I appealed it.
The ACC’s April decision that I appealed is here:
Below is the Introduction to my appeal which I filed today. The entire 19 page appeal can be read at the ACC docket here:
It actually runs 108 pages but that’s only because I included some “Exhibits” to help make my points. The 19 page appeal starts after the 2 page cover letter at the above link.
As you’ll see, the ACC has proved what Tacitus said 1,900 years ago: Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity.
As an intervenor in ACC Docket # E-01345A-13-0069, I hereby appeal the commission’s ill-conceived Decision # 75047 for the reasons and facts outlined here in this statement.
In Decision # 75047, the Arizona Corporation Commission (ACC) has outdone itself in lies, lawlessness and legal gymnastics. It seems the ACC will do almost anything to avoid its responsibilities under law and to deny justice.
In this appeal, I will be dissecting the ACC’s Decision # 75047 line by line in the order it was written.
Also addressed will be laws I had not previously realized the ACC was breaking and/or ignoring. These laws are state statutes and codes I came across in the course of researching this appeal.
Much of this appeal will be a repetition of my original appeal filed January 5, 2015 in this docket, and of my response to the ACC’s sample orders which the ACC filed in this docket on March 10, 2015 and both the appeal and the response were largely repetitions of letters I have written the commission over the last 4 years. (Both my original appeal and my response to the sample orders are enclosed as Exhibits A and B, and are included as part of this appeal.)
This constant repetition is unfortunately necessary because the ACC refuses to break its pattern of ignoring issues and laws which it cannot address or is unwilling to acknowledge altogether. Indeed, the ACC’s malevolent pattern is so ingrained it can only be considered willful and deliberate. To be blunt, it has become quite clear to me that I am dealing with a pack of incorrigible liars and lawbreakers. That will be proved in detail throughout this appeal.
At the end, it will be obvious that ACC Decision # 75047 is arbitrary and capricious, and that the ACC has abused what discretion it may have had. In short, it will be obvious the ACC has no regard for the law and that Decision # 75047 is completely invalid.
Anyone reading the appeal needs to be aware of three typos.
1.) Page 4, line 34, the sentence that reads, “Thus, at no time would an executive session seem to fit under the spirit or the word of A.R.S. 40-254(E).” should read “Thus, at no time would an executive session seem to fit under the spirit or the word of A.R.S. 40-253(E).”
2.) Page 6, line 18, the sentence that reads, “Just because APS is capable of reading meters at quicker intervals does mean the law has changed.” should read “Just because APS is capable of reading meters at quicker intervals does not mean the law has changed.”
3.) Page 12, line 14, the sentence that reads, “Brazenly, the lie has been repeated in Decision # 74871 as a “Finding of Fact.” should read “Brazenly, the lie has been repeated in Decision # 75047 as a “Finding of Fact.”
Thanks for taking this on Warren
Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication. My husband is moving from his office of 10+ years due to health issues he’s been experiencing since the smart meter was installed. We asked the landlord to opt out, but they are out of state and ignored our pleas. First it was an issue with his gums, then throat, then headaches, and now an eruption on the cornea of his eye. Doctors and prescriptions have been expensive and he was told he’ll have to be on Rx for a very long time. How does one with a healthy history go to having one malady after another shortly after the meter was installed? We are hopeful that his good health will return once he’s moved out at the end of the month. In my heart, I KNOW it’s the smart meters causing these problems.
I am very sorry to hear that. All those problems you mention are symptoms of microwave sickness due to “smart” meter. It’s a long list unfortunately.
“Smart” meters seem to push people who could normally function OK in the microwave soup we now live in over the top. To help his recovery, I suggest you also get rid of other wireless in your home environment, and especially in the bedroom, so that restful sleep can be had. Get rid of cordless phones, WiFi, turn the cell phone off, etc.