By Mike Schroeder, Sedona Resident
(May 21, 2018)
I continue to be amazed at the waste of taxpayer dollars by SFD. At the Tuesday 15th of May SFD Board meeting, there was a presenter introduced by Chief Kazian for a PR (public relations) firm to represent and promote the “good things” that SFD does.
Seems to me well trained personnel with good equipment showing up when you dial 911 is pretty good PR. YouTube and Facebook posts are next to free and can be targeted to our district, if necessary. Communicating events that are important to the public can be done at will, without spending $30,000 of taxpayer money annually for a PR consulting firm.
$30,000… think about that for a minute. The board voted to approve and $18 MILLION bond and the voters said NO. They “needed” $18 million for a multitude of things and are throwing $30,000 away on PR?
What is concerning is that this contract appeared to be pre approved and the presentation was just going through the process for a motion to enter into a contract, which occurred.
Let’s hope this Board or a NEW board revisits this contract in the near future.
Really? SFD needs to spend our money to promote itself? What a joke!
People, remember this next time they come begging. And don’t forget that their last (thankfully failed) bond proposal was financed by a Phoenix firehouse construction company. Hey, maybe SFD can get that company instead of us to pay for the publicity they think they need.
You people are so correct.
The SFD has been operating with unreasonable & wasteful cost spending since the current(over paid) show boating Chief was hired.
After the failed bond issue,I was expecting several more resignations of the Board & Staff.
Perhaps Sedona & residents will wake up and bring this power hungry and expense laden group to return to normalcy or is this a dream?
WTF? Since when does a Fire Dept need a PR firm?
These guys are so over the top.
Please vote them out.
Just follow the money. The swamp extends well beyond Washington…