By John Roberts, Sedona Resident
Will we get a Trump master piece book for this like his ” Art of the Deal ” so future business leaders will know what NOT to do.
What a total lunkhead he turned out to be – 350,000 dead Americans for his blundering of COVID-19 in getting a vaccine but not arranging how to vaccinate.
Not to mention the millions of unpaid debt he now faces.
How do you lemmings who voted for this total failure feel about it now ?
Why don’t you chip in to buy him a going away present, DUNCE HAT, to wear for the moment when he is booted from office.
Jan. 4 – this president (I don’t use his name) said this weekend the number of deaths is “fake news” Really?
He tried to keep the CDC from reporting the numbers by turning the count over to another agency Did not work – the truth is being reported
This same president did not want an infected cruise ship to come into port because it would make “his” numbers look bad (instead of saying there is a serious situation that needs to be addressed …not run from and how he thinks it makes him look)
Mike, my first inclination is to promote action in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment. but that only moves wimpy Pence into the presidency.Maybe it is best to just be patient and let the process go forward with Biden taking over at the White House. Then prepare a soft bed in the nuthouse for Trump to have a permanent visit.