By Eileen Roberts, Sedona Citizen
(October 6, 2013)
How absolutely shocking to read that there are those who would drag this outstanding, pristine town down simply for a few dollars that they would pay (or shall I say, “contribute”). After finding out that we never should have left Sedona in the first place, we moved back about a year ago and would like to be proud of this “town”.
How foolish of those trying to undermine the school district who are working hard to uphold a top level of education they have maintained with a struggle. I was fortunate enough to see this first hand while presenting my outstanding educational history and business experience. I was thrilled to see first-hand how a few classes were run and the joy the students (Red Rock High School) expressed about what they were learning and experiencing on a daily basis. Having been educated in top notch schools in New York State, it just seems sad that the selfishness of a few (yes, in order to buy a few more things)—these people cannot help to keep Sedon’s young people’s education at the highest level possible.
Why don’t you people “opposing” top notch education, try to maintain Sedona as one of the best in the state, country? These children are our next leaders! Who will want to move here unless they are the elderly (those may be the ones who have little interest in the next generation? Sad but true.Yes we are classified as elderly!
Dear Ms. Roberts,
Your frustrations are heard, and I think felt by many. Unfortunately we are being led down a path by the school district that states that all kinds of bad things are going to happen if the Override does not pass. The scare tactics that are being employed by the “Vote Yes” folks are frankly ludicrous.
I know it sounds like just a few extra dollars, and government of all persuasions always tells us it is just a couple dollars a day – and pretty soon the aggregate is NOT a couple dollars a day. ($17 trillion in debt nationally should give us all a wake up call).
I do not know if you are a property owner here in this district, but if you are you just received your property tax bill. And the few dollars a day is already in your tax bill. And it is substantially MORE than just a few dollars a day increase from last year WITHOUT adding more with the Override.
The installation of a football field that would compare to a NFL field, a solar field that will COST the taxpayer an estimated $4 MILLION over its life expectancy despite the “savings”, (not to mention it was initially designed for parking to support the Performing Arts Center) the refusal of the previous school board to accept naming rights and other common sense fund raiser vehicles that would have made the Sedona Performing Arts center a positive cash flow structure instead of a drain, all that plus other things have to make the taxpayer pause and say “What the heck is going on?”
We add to the fact that the Camp Verde school district seems to graduate kids, and provide a solid educational experience without EVER having a Budget Override.
As taxpayers, it is OUR job to question HOW our money is being spent and by whom. Please take the time to educate yourself. Documentation for this school district, OUR tax bills, and school ratings for the Sedona district and Camp Verde district are posted at this web site:
Eileen, it’s nice that you have decided to make Sedona your home but you know not of what you speak. For those of us who have lived here for 24 years like I have, have had to live through the constant increases in our property taxes throughout the years and the School Board, the Fire District and the City Council keep coming back to the property owners and businesses wanting more and more money.
Are you aware that the Sedona residents recently spent $73 million dollars on the School District? The reason most of us are against this million dollar addition is because there is no accountability by the District as to where this money will be spent. We have been told conflicting accounts by members of the Board as to where it will be spent. It’s time for all levels of government to start living within their budgets just like you and I have to do. It’s time to stop these constant increases by voting no on the over-ride.
Not voting yes is short sighted.
We live in Sedona and own property. Doing the math our TAX will would increase approximately 92.00 a year. (Three dinners out)
Our children are grown. BUT we have a vested interest in this community. OUR community. We still attend Football games, and other functions put on by the school.
The School District is strapped. It’s tapped out. Maybe past mistakes were made, but we are looking forward NOW.
If the budget is not brought back up to regular operational standards our area is at the risk of losing ONE of our schools. That means a Grammar school may have to close, or the High School could be impacted. There goes a couple dozen or more jobs. A closing could potentially impact hundred of families and their educational needs.
Other programs could/would be cut as well. Physical Ed, music, drama, art, counseling, library. Is this really what we want for Sedona?
This isn’t scare tactics. This is reality. Sedona isn’t the Government. We can’t print money to stay operational.
Some of the projects that have been mentioned in previous letters WERE FUNDED by BONDS. That money is totally separate from BUDGET money.
2013 is probably our best chance at making this work.