Sedona AZ (January 16, 2019) – Contractors hired by the city will begin the Juniper Hills area drainage improvements project on Jan. 22, contingent on acceptable weather conditions. The project is expected to last approximately five months.
The Juniper Hills area drainage improvements project was designed to mitigate a 25-year flood event and involves the installation of 950 feet of 42-inch drainage pipe and 120 feet of 36-inch drainage pipe as well as several manholes and catch basins. Two inlet structures and one outlet structure will also be constructed. The drainage improvements for this project will occur largely on Juniper Lane between the intersection of Juniper and Cindy lanes and a location near Oak Creek. As part of this project, Juniper Lane will be reconstructed with new asphalt. No sycamore trees will be removed.
Area residents will receive written notification at least three days prior to the start of construction. Residents and service providers will have access to their properties at all times but may experience minor traffic delays because the road may be closed or restricted to one lane within the work zone during work hours. The project will be broken into six consecutive phases to maintain entry and exit for all residents during construction. Drivers are asked to observe and follow the traffic control signage and marked detour routes.
Work hours will be 7 a.m. through 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Fridays. No work will occur on weekends.
Tiffany Construction Company will perform the work under a contract with the city. If you have questions or concerns about this work or property access contact Cathy Wyatt of Tiffany Construction Company at (928) 204-9817.
Questions about the overall drainage project can be directed to Sedona Associate Engineer David Peck at (928) 204-7108
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