By Rabbi Alicia Magal
The JCSVV offers soul-enriching services, programs, and classes, all listed on the synagogue website, Visitors are welcome to attend services after a security check. Those who cannot attend in person can access the service through zoom.
A special Social Action Shabbat will be observed on Friday, February 21 at 5:30 pm, focused on volunteerism and appreciation for those in our extended community who assist others in need. Over 33 organizations have responded to send representatives who will be acknowledged during the service and afterwards during the reception where blessings over wine and challah are recited, and refreshments are served. A selection from the the Torah portion Mishpatim (Exodus 21:24 1 – 24:18), chanted by the rabbi, details many laws to assure justice for all people. The service includes prayers of healing for loved ones, and Kaddish, the Mourner’s prayer in memory of those who have passed away around this date. The Oneg refreshments following the service are sponsored by the Social Action Committee members. There will be an opportunity at that time for the organization representatives to speak with other attendees about their services and volunteer needs. The Social Action Committee is collecting cans or boxes of non-perishable foods, as well as infant formula and feminine hygiene products, for the local Sedona food pantry. Please drop off your donations in the bin provided for collections located at the bottom of the stairs in the parking lot.
Meditation class, led by Rosalie Malter and Rabbi Magal, will meet on February 26 at 4:00 pm on zoom. Participants are led in a guided meditation based on elements in the current week’s Torah reading.
Torah study, led by Rabbi Magal, will meet on Thursday, February 27 at 4:00 pm on zoom. The Torah portion for that week is Terumah (Exodus 25:1 – 27:19), meaning Offering. The narrative describes how the Israelites were called upon to contribute materials to make a portable Sanctuary – Mishkan – or Tabernacle, in which to house the Ten Commandments which were placed in a gold-covered Ark. Discussion enables participants to make the ancient stories relevant to our own lives.
The Jewish Community of Sedona and the Verde Valley, located at 100 Meadowlark Drive off Route 179 in Sedona, is a welcoming, egalitarian, inclusive congregation dedicated to building a link from the past to the future by providing religious, educational, social and cultural experiences. Office telephone: 928 204-1286. Synagogue website –