Sedona AZ (October 4, 2021) – On Wednesday October 13 at 5:00 PM, Janie Agyagos, Wildlife Biologist for the Red Rock Ranger District, will speak on “Special Status Species in the Verde Valley.”
To join this webinar on Oct 13, CLICK ON THIS LINK. The webinar Passcode is: 102021
Discover what species swoop, soar, slither, crawl and bloom around the diverse Verde Valley ecosystem. Janie Agyagos will discuss the special status species in the Verde Valley, what has caused their decline, and what is needed to recover these species and their habitat.
Janie’s main focus includes inventorying and monitoring rare birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates and plants; conducting project effect analyses and developing design features and mitigations for over 100 special status species; designing and implementing habitat improvement projects; managing area closures for the protection of rare fish, wildlife and plant species and/or their habitat; and coordinating with multiple agencies in the management of plant, fish, and wildlife species and their habitat.