(August 13, 2013)
The medical marijuana debate will become a major issue of contention between and within the parties this election.
Let’s take a hard, cold look at what this fight is going to boil down to.
There are two marijuana industries: the industry of cultivation and selling; and the industry of catching and punishing growers, sellers and users.
People wonder why the fed drug squads are still busting down doors and terminating medical marijuana operations in California and other choice states.
The answer is basically about profit and loss margins.
What would specialized enforcement agencies do if they didn’t have the option to go after pot on the federal level? They’d be out of a job!
There’s tons of Fed money funding them. Where would that money go if there was no need for them to enforce pot laws?
It’s logical for the Obama administration to let them keep their jobs for a while longer until Washington can figure out what to do with them.
Then there is the justice and incarceration system. How many prosecutors and defense attorneys would lose business if marijuana were totally legal?
Worse, what about the money private owners of jails and their investors would lose without a steady supply of fresh and mostly docile inmates?
Then there is the pharmaceutical industry. With medical marijuana healing everything under the sun how many billions would it lose in pain and glaucoma prescriptions?
And the alcohol industry?
What if more people start smoking pot than drinking booze? The losses would be astronomical.
You bet those who make money from those industries are not going to take the assault on their profits lying down.
So we can expect a virulent response from the Republicans and some Democrats against the legalization or lowering of the drug classification of marijuana.
Republicans had best tread likely here. All the information out there on the benefits of pot and its limited risks is spilling into the main stream. Don’t want to appear too fuddy-duddy or behind the times on this one.
Best bet for them is to dig deep into the faith community and convince congregations that marijuana is still a dangerous drug no matter what anybody says and it’s their Godly duty to protect their families and community from addiction. Lump pot heads in with gay marriage activists.
They need to get as many experts on their side casting doubt on any positive findings and spend mucho bucks on fear-spiked commercials geared to the downsized mentality of what was once called “Middle America.”
For the Democrats, first they must convince fellow party members that make money from the aforementioned industries that it will be years before any new laws can take effect and harm them. Give them a chance to cash in on the new pot industries that will pop up.
The pot heads need to stop looking like pot heads, put on suits and white coats when featured in the media and press hard for complete legalization or at least having pot removed from the Feds Schedule 1 Drug Classification.
Basically, they need to unshackle the states from Federal dominion over marijuana.
A new party should be formed called “The Pot Party.” Motivate them lazy-pot heads out there to get out and vote for the party of “compassion” — meaning them, the Dems.
With the Tea Party as an opponent we have a recipe for a real Alice in Wonderland election. Hmmm? Or should we call it a “Hillary in Wonderland” election.
Obama could if he wished do that now. But it’s too soon.
He could claim at election time that he, with Hillary’s approval, slashed the budget for enforcement and incarceration by billions of dollars by cutting-loose drug users and minor offenders while putting the drug cops to work catching home-grown terrorists instead.
Be assured. The battle over pot will come to a head.
plenty of violent dangerous criminals to go after once pots left alone
Attorney General Eric Holder today announced an Obama Administration policy change on mandatory sentences as they relate to drugs. The new policy includes the “compassionate release” of some prisoners and expanding “at-risk” programs for teens.
“Prisons are operating at 40% above capacity,” he told the audience at the American Bar Association’s annual meeting in San Francisco, which was broadcast on C-SPAN.
Read the rest of this fascinating story here:
In 1975 researchers at the Medical College of Virginia discover that cannabis is incredibly successful for reducing the size of many types of tumors, both benign and cancerous.
In 2000 Dr. Manuel Guzman of Complutense University in Madrid Spain re-discovered that THC destroys tumors with no negative side effects whatsoever. His team also irrigated healthy rats brains with high doses of THC for seven days and again found no negative results. Cannabinoids kill cancer cells by cutting off their blood supply but not to the healthy cells. These results have since been duplicated around the globe with many other cancers as well.
In 2005 Dr. Xia Zhang of the University of Saskatchewan found that THC actually promotes the growth of brain cells bringing new hope for head trauma and stroke patients. The same year the Scripps Institute reported that THC was a superior inhibitor of the plaque that causes Alzheimers. Unfortunately we hear little of any of these findings.
In 2008 researchers in Italy and the U.K. found that cannabinoids have germ killing activity against MRSA and kill bacteria in a different way than current antibiotics, meaning they might bypass bacterial resistance. MRSA’s are becoming more and more prevalent and new treatments are desperately needed.
Cannabis has also been found extremely helpful with autism, epilepsy, arthritis, migraine, asthma, emphysema, MS, ALS, OCD, ADHD, chronic pain, nausea, cystic fibrosis, lupus, tuberculosis, muscular dystrophy, depression, diabetes, glaucoma, alcoholism, herpes, anxiety, Parkinsons, Huntingtons, Tourettes, Crohn’s disease, and more. It is the safest medicine known to man. All mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles have cannabinoid receptors throughout their body that work independently of those that control the heart and breathing which is why cannabis cannot kill you. The hemp seed is the single most nutritionally complete food source on Earth, reintroduced to our diets it will alleviate many of the above mentioned diseases and help end world hunger.
So, if you take this information and add it to all the all the nutritional, industrial and cosmetic uses, then add in that it was God himself that in the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament instructed Moses to use 250 shekels of cannabis (kaneh bosm) in the Holy Oil used to anoint all Priests, Kings, and Prophets, for all generations to come, including that of Jesus and even today as the title Christ/Messiah means literally covered in oil, anointed, I think we have the botanical Messiah, the Mystical Tree of Life, not a worthless plant!!!
Wow! And Israel leads the international pack in research and benign applications.
First…it’s illegal. Isn’t anyone tired of having just the laws you don’t like ignored? Our Prsident is sure good at that.
We either are a nation of laws or we are lawless. Make your choice. If the public does not like a law, then change it. People in prison for smoking dope, what point is that? Change the law.
People illegally smuggling dope, destroying pieces of our national forests to grow it (right here in Sedona as a matter of fact) send them away for a long time. To make a statement that the enforcement people will have nothing to do is as about as ludicrous as you can get. If you Iike it, legalize it, retail it and tax it.
Also a little reminder, there are 400+ chemical components in pot that no one knows what they long term effects are. Potentially much more serious than cigarettes, but why let that get in the way. Let’s ban smoking everywhere so we can feel good about ourselves.
If you desire your bus driver, cab guy, or a person working in the defense department, or just driving a local delivery truck around the city high all the time, go for it. But are you ready to suffer the consequences of their actions that you support?
And most important, who the hell is going to hire a pothead. As a past employer who had over 400 employees, zero tolerance is the rule. And today our company and sister company employees over 28,000 people. Zero tolerance. What menial jobs are available for potheads? Who supports them when they get canned?
Ah yes…the taxpayer.
The author of the article misses one giant point here. What about the money those who profit from the illegal sale and cultivation of the plant would lose if it was legal?
You can bet it will never be legalized. And you can also bet that there are people out there delivering stuff and working at the defense department that are high all the time and not just pot but booze as well.
Whom would you fire first? A pothead or a drunk? Only the extremely naive would believe pot heads have not already infiltrated all the professions: science included and especially the arts and journalism.
How many doctors and professionals out there are standing on pulpits spouting the benefits of booze?
How many are fighting for pot? Do the math. You got billionaire pot heads pushing it for heaven’s sake. Not just menial laborers. Duh.
The infection has hit the main stream.
No worry though for the profiteers on both sides of the fight.
The feds will never legalize pot.