By Tommy Acosta
Sedona, AZ. — What a year. What a sad, sad year for so many. We lost relatives, friends, homes, our freedoms, our sense of well-being and peace of mind.
A constantly mutating virus that continues to wreak havoc across the planet, weather gone wild, tornados decimating communities, floods, fires, riots and insurrections; criminals running rampant through stores, killings and muggings, rapes and murder abound, there almost seems to be no end to this plaque of calamities. As we stumble into 2022, it appears that things will only get worse.
For some, the damage has not just been physical but psychological as well. So many have come to live in fear, locked in their homes, afraid to go out and be infected, attacked or killed, by elements or people gone wild.
Suicides are up. People are at their wits end. Nothing but bad news everywhere.
Even those who thought they were protected from the killer virus now find that the protection they once thought they had, was an illusion.
Yes. An instability has descended upon humanity and the only recourse to retain mental stability during these stressful times, apparently, is to go deep inside one’s consciousness and inoculate yourself against the fear.
For those who meditate, those who can observe their thoughts and reacting emotions to those thoughts, the impact of these ongoing catastrophes can be a lot less than that for those who cower in front of their televisions or media devices, immobilized by fear-primed news.
The trick is to be able to observe oneself reacting to the evolving bad news and allow those emotions to rise and subside under the watchful eye of a calm mind.

Sedona is full of teachers, groups and meditators that can suspend their emotional fear-fueled reactions and find peace in their stilled hearts.
That is why we see so many calm, unafraid and unmasked people in Sedona. They remain calm in the center of the tragic-news hurricane, observing the chaos twirl around them, untouched by the whirlwind of panic and fear that so many others, are.
One needs to ask themselves if it is possible to detach from the merry-go-round of intense fear-laden thoughts and find within a place where they can detox from the misery daily being fed to them through media outlets.
Breath. Lean back. Observe. Detach. Read books on meditation. Find a teacher in Sedona. Just type “Sedona Meditation” into your search engine and find an outlet or guide that works for you. Take the time to ease your mind.
And remember, sooner or later our transition from this physical plane to the spiritual will come. So, relax. We all have an expiration date. Change your perception and your emotions will follow. Fear will vanish.
It’s true. There is so much fear and sorrow in the world right now. People are divided. Families are divided. It breaks my heart when I see people out in the open, alone, ,and still wearing a mask. They will never be free again. And yes, I thank my lucky stars I am living in Sedona and not New York or California. I can’t imagine what it must be like for those who won’t take the vaccine. Now I am wondering what they will do? Go after those who don’t and force them into camps like in Australia? Thank God we have the governor that we have not allowing municipalities the right to make mandates. We had better wise up this coming city election and are make sure we don’t elect anyone who would want to pass a mandate here in Sedona if the governor gives the right back to municipalities. We must protect our freedoms and not allow them to be squashed by draconian candidates. Remember that the current mayor issued a mandate forcing people to wear masks in public. That must never happen again.
Dumbest thing I have ever read. The reason I am not “free” from wearing a mask is because of those so selfish and uncaring for the common good they will not get shots. I have not come across anyone “calm, unmasked, and unafraid”, just people who have really weird, unfounded, reasons for not doing so. Its amazing what people can talk themselves into, just like you two have. The Governor is a joke and embarassment. I have the freedom to live my life and die but dying of covid is avoidable.
Beautifully written as always, Tommy. Even though I no longer live in Sedona, I follow your articles here and enjoy the perspectives you share. Love your reference to our “expiration date,” the bottom line we all share — rich or poor, male or female, Black or White, liberal or conservative, citizen or immigrant, have or havenot — as spiritual beings having a bizarre but transformative earthly experience in these times. Despite all the crises and chaos, everything is in perfect divine order according to some mysterious cosmic plan. Thanks for your always brilliant writing that helps keep things in higher, big-picture perspective.
@Janet – more die from the COVID so called “vaccine” than the virus. Those that have gotten the jab spread it to others. Do your homework. Your post is full of lies and fear.
Damn right its fear. Have seen two neighbors die from lack of oxygen, would not be my choice.
Seven people I know died last year. Two from heart attacks. One from old age. Another from a brain hemorrhage. Two from cancer, and one from Covid who had previous complications. Dead is dead by any means. Am I scared of any of the aforementioned types of death? Hell no. Sooner or later we die. It’s the manner of death that makes a difference.
Yes, JJ. All the people I know who are un-vaxxed are happy except for those who are vaxxed trying to push the poison on them.
I was told I have to wear a mask at work today. I said, if I have to wear a mask, I quit. I was told never mind you dont have to wear a mask! Stand up for what you believe in! I believe in freedom for all! If you choose to wear a mask, who am I to tell you you should NOT wear one! If you choose not to wear a mask, who am I to tell you that you must wear one! FREEDOM OF CHOICE FOR ALL!
Exactly, stand up to the tyranny! That is freedom from fear!
I had a medical doctor named Doctor Comfort. True to his name he had a fabulous bedside manner, but as a doctor he often fell short. Tommy Acosta’s essay “The Only Way Out Is In” reminded me of Dr. Comfort. I imagined Nero enjoying grapes and wine as Rome was ablaze and was brought to its ashy knees.
We are continuing to experience the historical change from Industrial Society to Technological Society. Technological Society means that Society will suffer and profit from innovations in nano technology, biotechnology and artificial intelligence/robotics.
Advancements in science will result in the concentration of power and wealth in fewer and fewer hands, a radical change in world culture and values and workers will experience the loss of purpose and jobs just like agrarian society dwindled in the shadow of Industrial Society.
Our values of hard work will be replaced by robotic-computers. Very soon an AI voice will be replacing a teenager at McDonalds. Robots like drones will be replacing soldiers. Robotic-super-computers will continue lightning growth on the surgery table, on the electric manufacturing line and devise greater ways to brainwash people who relate with one another by way of social media.
It soon will be out with the old people (over 30) and in with the new people who wear tight clothes and Peter Pan shoes.
This continuing historical transition will continue to change our way of life. The way to nurture humanity is not inward but outward towards the stars.
There is a disclosure process ongoing concerning other advanced living creatures who have been observing the misery of humanity. On December 9, 2021 or thereabouts, the US Congress passed the Gillerbrand Amendment. A new law intended to get a handle on spacecraft visiting the Earth. This law was included in the Defense Budget and arose from 3 videos of spacecraft released to the public by the Pentagon.
We are not alone in the Galaxy. We should stop acting like we are.
Putting our head in the sand will not resolve problems. We need to make contact and get answers.
Well, well, well – another closed minded luddite takes to the keyboard without looking into the facts and truth of the matter.
Since the Roswell UFO flap 75 years ago, the government has been hiding what they know about UFO/UAPs because the American people “just can’t handle the truth.” It certainly seems that is the case with Jeremiah Perez and other like him.
The ONLY reason why we have not been “formally” told by our government that our species is in constant contact with Extraterrestrial and Ultradimensional Aliens is because of POWER. Power over others, power to do, power to own and sell new technology. The reasons why Alien species have not made their presence commonly known to the human masses is because of PERSONAL AGENDAS and our own blindness. There are agendas that benefit them, and our shadow governments, to keep us in the dark. And it’s not because most of us plebs would panic and kill ourselves. Nope. It’s about us plebs having access to technology, knowledge and awareness that would make each person unstoppable and uncontrollable. And our own blindness, well, we refuse to see them.
Apart from raising our own awareness, this is the most important thing we need to be looking into right now. The tech is here, the ETs are here, but very few individuals demand access to it, and of those few even fewer are doing it from a place of self-empowerment.
Technology that would make everything super cheap (or even free) would end the slavery and the money paradigm virtually over night. The so called “global controllers” would become obsolete as they cannot control a happy human that has the tech to provide for himself or his family.
It is about power and keeping us under control. And we allow it, by accepting not to look at these issues and dismiss them instead. — much like the hidden truths behind the so-called “COVID crisis.”
Every single person who was “trespassed” for not wearing a mask deserves an apology and monetary restitution for the harassment.
From the CDC website: “The filtration, effectiveness, fit, and performance of cloth masks are inferior to those of medical masks and respirators. Cloth mask use should not be mandated…”
Thank you, Tommy, for your well written article. I have to laugh at all the assumptions based on projected premises that float around fueled by media into such deep emotional pools of unresolved old perceptions!! Shaking my head at all of it. .. and having a good laugh!! Able to laugh at where I was in the past as well… still opening my real eyes on a daily basis.
First of all – the issue of big fear about a virus that is not even able to be identified as a virus. Do you realize that at least 12 countries have gone through their legal systems offering the big agencies opportunities to produce one shred of evidence that they have identified a sample of “the virus” that so many seem to be terrified of? Not one shred of evident has been offered. True – do your research.
So why buy into any of the information that floats through any of the media – one stacked ontop of another basic “belief” that cannot be verifed or validated?
Why not find one’s own center and connection to Source Energy – the part of us that was God-given that fuels our health and well-being? This is where true knowledge can be found – within ourself.
I invest my time and energy is strengthening that peace of mind and peace of body and remain primarily untouched by the spins that are spun – recognizing that these spins are a great tool to show where I may be in my individual personal development. Recognizing how a fear may want to controll me or inflame me through emotion – I have a choice and can change and direct that energy into bringing forth great health and well-being. The choice remains with me and my innate intelligence.
Oh yes, great peace of mind and body is indeed possible, as many living in Sedona know and demonstrate, and leads to a very fulfilling existence, as many living in Sedona know and demonstrate !! It takes a building of trust in one’s own moral compass/ internal truth meter.
I have spent my life developing this personally – and am having one of the best years fo my life now. For those who are just beginning that process fo trusting themselves … the meditation opportunities here in Sedona and online are a fantastic place to start. Be willing to open up to a life that is beyond your old limitations … and witness as your life changes.
It is an amazing journey that only we can give to ourselves …Now is a great time to surrender to the possibility.
There never was a vaccine.
Tens of thousands of people who have received the vaccinations have COVID.
The politicians are well dressed buffoons, clowns. Talking with a sense of confidence and sticking themselves with a needle to suggest you should buy some stuff from Moderna and Pfizer Corporations.
There are no vaccines.
The new narrative is to buy boosters 1 and boosters 2.
A biological warfare prototype leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China.
Here in American, deranged people some with criminal records, are permitted to burn small towns down, defund the police, allow criminal out of jail with no bail or refuse to prosecute wicked and evil wrong doers for stealing your property or attacking the police.
China is building islands to build military to house missile batteries and makes claim to the entire China Sea. China now has the largest navy in the world, has landed on Mars and has discovered water on the moon. Russia controls a bulk of world oil and is ready to invade the Ukraine.
Boys are wearing dresses and girls are becoming boys. Don Lemon and Rachel Madow are telling are children that left is right and that Chevys and Apple Pie have been replaced by Toyotas and Tortillas.
A handful of people control the wealth of the world and these people are not so bright.
Instead of pushing back. Instead of getting rid of dishonest politicians. Instead of boycotting products and taxing products made in China, instead of exposing the corporate media as the propaganda machine for the billionaires from both wings,Tommy Acosta and his cult followers want you to meditate.
That is, they want you to fill a plastic bag with marijuana smoke and stick your head in it.
Now is the time for action.
You can write your philosophical memoirs when the struggle is over.
Interesting to witness the expressions of opinions formed by those believing the narratives projected by mainstream bought-and-paid-for-media … and those held/expressed by individuals able to seemingly-view- through the veils, and to witness those who revert to name-calling and projecting-onto-others – and those who may be looking further within to re-examine their own perceived-truths … and to witness those offering opportunities to grow and create something different than to habitually repeat old-fear-based beliefs ad infinitum leading to creation of old-worn-out-outcomes over and over again.
I admit – we have come very very close to a very dark conclusion of this life-cycle … and yet … the tide has turned … and for those with eyes-to-see … the new day is dawning. It is time for as many/all of us to re-awaken and claim the opportunities that are presenting as “possible”.
It requires a shift – and now is a very good time to “let go” of holding onto fear … and to allow for the greater human potential instilled within our innate intelligence to emerge and to unfold its power – to collectively bring forth a benevolent world for all of humanity to live in harmony on our planet. It begins within each one of us. We can do it now … or not. Free-will still applies.
Meditation doesn’t mean taking no action – we need to take appropriate action to insure our inalienable rights – our human rights under our Constitution and to rightfully preserve our States Rights as a Republic as they may serve to benefit us during these transitional times.
Nor does meditation mean to ignore what is happening with our children – their development, health and education. Quite the contrary.
Meditation Does Mean – to come from a place of one’s own clarity and personal conviction … and from that place of inner peace/blance to do what needs to be done to steer the course and preserve our inalienable rights – life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, in my humble opinion, is one tremendous gift of these tumultuous times.
Our world is changing rapidly … from my perspective, these changes are well beyond what is being presented to the public through mainstream media. We each have the opportunity to do some soul-searching – to uncover and discover further… Consider just for a moment that there just may be something of value worth discovering beyond the media narratives …. Such a discovery could cause us to shake, rattle, and roll around in shock!! It could warm our heart!! Itt could anger – and it could inspire us!! It could flood us with emotions that overwelm us for a short time!! It could also empower us!! We won’t know until we dare to face that moment and walk through the threshhold.
I know we are in the midst of a huge transfer … of power, of wealth, of recorded historical knowledge and revelation, and much much more when it comes to our limitated dumbed-down science models. I know … I can feel it in my truth center.
IF you are unable to feel this, see this, or in any way believe this is possible – I suggest you simply consider the possibility … look around you and question why it is that “what used to work” no longer seems to work in the ways it did in the past. Follow what is said … track through to what actually happens and see what then is being said …(rather than believing everything as told). Narratives may continually change.
Could it be that those who “used to wield apparent control over others” are no longer able to wield that preceived control … Is it possible that our systems could be restructuring to actually begin to serve we-the-people ? Could it be that all are actually working together to create a peaceful world?
IF it is indeed possible – then it is also our privilege and responsibility to be accountable for our creative endeavors. Here is where the real work begins.
I choose to come from a place of balance – a place of inner peace. I choose to imagine and to dream into form a world that nurtures, honors, and sustains life as granted by our Creator – that allows for individual development and unique expression. I choose to celebrate diversity and embrace opportunities to discover, to expand, to collabborate, and to restructure any perceptions/ideas/beliefs- long-held or otherwise – and allow them to transform.
Some may choose differently. They may prefer to hang onto their suffering – embracing the comfort of what is “familiar/already-known” even if it is steeped in pain or sorrow. Others may choose to experience something I have not yet considered. That is okay – I hold no judgement on my own or anyone else’s choices. I simply remind – we do have free will to choose.
I, for one, am choosing to dare to be my true self – to accept an opportunity for a great adventure into the “as-yet-unknown” – to discover how much joy I can help create and grow – how much I can contribute to uplifting the human condition – how much health this body of mine and of others can truly radiate!! I realize I can be happier, healthier, more productive, more “actualized/realized” in my full potential!! And – I believe this is true for others.
I love how community members warmly greet each other and celebrate and share in each other’s joy. I love how compassionate and supportive we are with each other. I love that individuals reach out to connect and communicate with each other in our community. I have found this to be true in all my years here in Sedona and in all my travels around our beautiful planet.
For me, 2022 holds great opportunity – soon to be realized by many more than before… and no words can take that away. I am still laughing and shaking my head at what I witness!! Pretty funny when I step up and view from a different perspective!! I agree Tommy – The Way Out is Truly In!!
Here’s to an enduring faith in Humanity’s Potential unfolding in this Now!!
I apologize up front for the long post – I appreciate the opportunity to express – enough said!!