Sedona AZ (November 8, 2013) – Humanitarian Efforts Reaching Out (HERO) is a collaborative team of health professionals, veterinarians, scientists, researchers, academics, engineers, volunteer lay people and filmmakers. They are all dedicated to helping the underprivileged to create a healthier life in a more sustainable community hoping to preserve their cultures and alleviate human and animal suffering. This IndieGoGo campaign is for production a 90-minute documentary to follow their trailer “Wings of The Dharma“.
The film was shot on location in Mainpat, a Tibetan refugee camp in northeast India between 2010 and 2012 by a Sedona filmmaker Stephen Devol. The film tells the story of regular people thrown into an extraordinary circumstance when they joined HERO on a medical mission to one of the poorest and most remote refugee villages in India. What they find is quite different from what they expected.
Achieving their funding goal will allow HERO and it’s many volunteers all over the world, to continue their mission providing medical care, dental care, nutritional support, vision testing and eye glasses, animal health (thus human health), sustainable projects such as solar cookers, wind towers, alternative power sources, etc. They want to educate the people who live in disease and poverty stricken areas of the world and to help them live more fulfilled and healthier lives.
This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal of $40,000. Funding duration: October 24, 2013 – November 22, 2013, 11:59pm PT.
Indiegogo Page: