By Tommy Acosta
How could the Hamas leaders in Gaza have been so stupid as to have launched that October 7th terror attack against Israel?
How could they not have known that they would be giving the greenlight for the Israeli to obliterate Gaza and Palestine, cause unimaginable suffering for their people, totally destroy their culture and lose their country to the West?
It’s just mind boggling how ignorant those who orchestrated the October 7th massacre were in attacking an enemy that has overpowering military might and the ability to bomb their country into dust.
Now we have President Trump declaring that Gaza should relocate its people in order to build a resort city the world would be envy of.
It makes one think that perhaps the war in Gaza is only a master plan by the grand overseers of what happens on this planet; a master plan to totally wipe out Palestine once and for all off the map and rebuild the country in their own image.
It almost seems that we the people of Earth are completely ruled and manipulated by a cadre of brilliant and ruthless semi-humans that have been doing so since the beginning of conscious time and are now simply following their own blueprint for total global domination.
Perhaps these behind-the-curtain rulers remain invisible to the common man are the orchestrators of every war humanity has suffered, profiting from the death and destruction caused by each and every one.
Maybe the presidents and elected rulers we have known through time are but pawns to those who truly control what we perceive as reality.
And then there are those who think the real leaders are of terrestrial origin, who have been meddling in the affairs of men since we evolved enough to think.
Regardless, there is no denying just how dumb the Hamas leaders behind Oct. 7 were in doing what they did.
What incredible sorrow and suffering they foisted upon their own people.
It’s amazing that the Palestinians and Gazans have not risen up against Hamas and eliminated them, gave them up to the Israelis, get those hostages released and make peace with Israel.
Meanwhile, those with vested interests in creating a new Gaza and Palestine in their own image sharpen their knives in anticipation of getting their cut of the pie.
Everything for Trump is a way to grift others out of their land, money, rights and dignity. He said the same shite about developing N Korea to his financial benefit. He’s bankrupted nearly everything he has ever owned or touched and would do so with Gaza, N Korea and Ukraine given the very wrong chance to do so. He’s the biggest Tea Leaf in political history. Which is Cockney Rhyme Slang for what he truly is- a Thief!
He also wants to rob Ukraine of it’s oil and precious metals as payback for defending the Western World from expanded Russian aggression. Only does things for $ in his own pockets.
This is for MS and every other MAGA fascist/fascism deniers. Read and learn from the very history of the origins of Alt Right Fascism. I’m certain they will continue to lie, spin and deny though because historically that’s what Fascist do when confronted with the fact that they are Fascist. Just as they deny the holocaust and the Fact that Mussolini and Hitler are and were Fascist by claiming they were really Socialists. Which is why MAGA labels people who believe in human, civil and equal rights as Socialists, Marxist and Communists.
MS, please enlighten us all and give us your definition of Fascist and Fascism and support it by providing a reputable source of said definition. And a stupid mudslinging race baiting response that Obama was a fascist is NOT true in any sense of the word so you should attempt to use some fact based facts to support your lame arguments in support of Trump’s Fascist M.O..
The Rise and Fall of Fascism-
Your an idot plain and simple.
Yeah exactly what makes me an idiot? Truth and Fact that you can’t bare admit is Truth and Fact? It’s easy to say someone is an idiot but only an idiot would do so without some Truth and Fact to back up their ignorance of Truth and Fact.
So I’ll begin by saying you are the idiot not I. I believe in Truth and Fact and especially Science and Medicine not Orange Ignorance where any and everything that is spewed is accepted as truth because the Orange Idiot tells them so.
I’ll end by pointing out the fact that you have stated absolutely nothing of substance here. It is pure unadulterated ignorance and nothing more. You never made it out of name calling pre school where ignorance is normal until education begins to educate the ignorant did you?
What’s an idiot you idiot?
What’s an IDOT you idiot?
This is a typical idiot’s response to things they cannot justify that are idiotic! Plain and simple as your simple mind processes fascist propaganda as something good which it absolutely never ever is!
Trump’s cabinet meetings-
Right on Nicolas! Right on!
Is Trump a Fascist? By definition, you bet your Bippy he is!
Please read the book Power Vs Force, the Hidden Determinants of Human Behavior by our own Sedona’s Dr. David R. Hawkins, who has a Map of Consciousness of those who are in the lower consciousness who abuse power and want “power over” others (below the level 200) and their viewpoints of Despising, vindictive, condemning, disdainful, punitive, denying, vengeful, indifferent and demanding — with emotions “running them” such as shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, and pride — where consciousness is being harmful and they are suffering. And above 200 where they are enabling, inspiring, merciful, wise, loving, one in joy and serenity, and the Peace that Jesus spoke about — the “Peace beyond understanding,” where people have trust, optimism, forgiveness, reverence, serenity and bliss.
And then, please watch the documentary Bad Faith — to see who is behind everything — and in the lower consciousness below 200 wanting “Power Over” all of us, who are believing they are following Jesus. But Only LOVE is what Jesus taught. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 100%, saying it was shocking… It started in the 1980’s, and there are MANY organizations and people who are named and listed who are participants. Please watch, because even MAGA will be surprised….and not pleased, because it is not what he told all of us before the election. And in the documentary, he admits in a meeting where he was thanking them for getting him elected in the last election — where he said to them that he “gave them so much.” Now he’s giving them even more — and it’s “undoing” different areas of our country, like education, religion, news, the Republican party itself, the constitution, and more. The proof, documentation, voices of the particular people and more — in this documentary name the different areas of our country being targeted.
Please do not be frightened, but remember that the Declaration of independence says that “When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume, among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
and, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.”
First of all our forefathers warned against having political parties or religion infused into our politics especially so with President George Washington who clearly foresaw the dangers of both and today’s Fascist Dictatorship rearing its fugly Orange Head using politics and religion as weapons against fellow Americans who are not pseudo evangelicals or fascists like those in MAGA are. Religion has been used and abused since it’s inception in order to suppress, oppress, torture, maim and kill others wantonly while claiming some stupid story book written by greedy oppressors long long ago gives them “Religious Justification” for their crimes and hatred against others they disagree with.
So let’s get this straight, you think that our founders created the Constitution and Declaration of Independence so some criminal dumb ass could turn it all on its head?
Yeah right! Try again!
How did Hamas’ attack not get picked up by Israel’s iron dome?
It was a ground attack for the most part with a couple of ultralight aircraft flying under the Dome Radar system.That’s how.
The Iron Done does not track ground incursions it is strictly for aeronautical tracking. There are land mines, early ground warning systems, fully automated machine gun turrets with AI/FLIR human tracking capabilities for ground surveillance but Hamas being fully aware of this knocked out most all ground tracking early on in the sector they breached on the ground. There was also numerous reports of Palestinian day laborers who were forced by Hamas to provide details about Israeli security in the areas they were employed in. No different than what the NVA/VC did with ARVN and South Vietnamese civilians to gain access to our bases. Or the “insider attacks” seen in Afghanistan upon US and formerly Allied UN and NATO Forces who came to the Aid of the US following 9/11 in accordance with our former pact with our Former Allies where if one member were attacked all members would respond in their defense. This has all changed with Grifter Trump who would rather chum up to Putin, XI and Un rather than our longtime long term strategic alliances. If the US gets attacked the UN and NATO can and should tell the US and Trump to piss up a rope! I know for a fact that this will be the official response from Canada, the UK, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Denmark, Sweden and most of the Balkan states since Trump chose to put Russian dominance over their security.