By Tommy Acosta

Sedona AZ (July 9, 2021) – So? Just how scared should we be?
They are telling us about this dangerous new Delta strain and how it’s so contagious. They are telling us that even if we are vaccinated, we must wear masks indoors; that we must revert back to pandemic cautions because we are all in danger again.
Well, I think no one is buying it, this time around. At least from my perspective, that is. I am out and about every day. Indoors or outdoors it’s very rare I see anyone wearing a mask. Oh yes. There was this lady riding a bike along SR179 alone, wearing one. I worried for her and hoped she was getting enough oxygen.
People are getting sick and dying with the variant but nowhere near the numbers when the pandemic first hit. In the beginning, I knew a few people who passed after being diagnosed. They all had pre-existing conditions. I have not heard of anyone I know dying from it in the last six months. I am grateful for that.
Personally, from Jump Street, I never feared the virus. Most of my friends and associates do not fear it either. My social life was barely impacted. We are all still strong and healthy. Another blessing to be thankful for. I figured at the time of the outbreak the chances of my catching it were pretty slim, statistically.
I had no underlying medical conditions to consider. I felt pretty safe. I never let the thought that I could or would get it enter my head. This weekend I spent the 4th of July in Scottsdale and Chandler. Nary a mask in sight.
Now we have Dr. Fauci and other authorities inching us back to permanent masking. I don’t think anyone can put that Genie back into the bottle. They can’t put Humpty, back together again. The problem for them is there is no real alarm. Not enough people dying.
Americans are not as obedient as Europeans and Asians. There would be a revolution for sure if the government tried to shut the country down again without a really good cause. On the vaccination front, a recent study in Maryland revealed that 95 percent of those dying from the variants were not vaccinated. Seeing this stat from another angle, that means, five percent of those vaccinated are dying.
Total deaths attributed to Covid -19 to date hover at 600,000. The current U.S population stands at 332,278,200, give or take a few souls. Six hundred thousand is 0.1807 percent of the U.S. population. That means we have less than a one percent chance of dying from Covid. I would say my odds of survival are quite good.
Less than 50 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated. They are lagging behind across the country. This, to the authorities, is perplexing. They are losing ground.
The population is sick of the Covid experience. To get the people back to masks and 100 percent compliance they will need another massive die off. It’s the only way to herd us back. We need to be faced with a new bono-fide people killer like the original coronavirus. Then, and only then would we be motivated enough to return to the safety of our lock down.
Should we be worried here in Sedona? For what it’s worth, I’m not.
Being scared?
Its like being worried, in never fixes a thing!
Be smart, be diligent!
Be careful.
4,000,000 million dead, and its spreading through the south of this country.
In weeks it will be here, thats a guarantee
Pay attention, wash your hands, dont be stupid, dont be a statistic!
I swear its like a pandemic never happened before?
“The population is sick of the Covid experience.” Quite frankly, I am sick of people like you Mr. Acosta who think that they have some special insight about this pandemic and the SARS CoV2 virus. Is it that you think that by living in Sedona you are special due to having some kind of enlightenment that places you above the rest of us when it comes to confronting this pandemic? Many of you have declared that Dr. Fauci has become Dr.Faustus and that there is no truth behind what science is telling us about this virus and its mutations. You say that you have no fear of the virus, however, a healthy fear and respect for it is necessary. What about distrust? Distrust is a defense against the ego’s fear of being controlled. This is where so many of you are coming from as you latch onto conspiracy theories and misinformation about this pandemic that fit into your worldview. Where is the critical thinking? Although entitled to your own opinion about this, it is just that, YOUR OPINION. Please do not mislead others because you think the professional guidance regarding protecting oneself and others with the surging delta variant of this virus is being exaggerated. Just an FYI: The “delta variant”,( scientific name: B.1.617.2 or AY.1 or AY.2), is here in AZ – and closer to you than you think. For your sake, I hope that you are right that you will remain healthy through this by choosing to be passive instead of proactive.
Nicely put! Science is about the facts, not about opinions.
I just read an article this morning linking the Johnson & Johnson jab to a SERIOUS but rare side effect called Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Guillian-Barre? Ok, what about (officially) 9048 dead?
At what point does the corrupt FDA take action to stop this death-march?
Will it take citizens direct action to force FDA officials to either resign or do their jobs?
The COVID vaxxx is now THE most lethal medical product in history!
Well, Mr . Acosta, it’s nice to see you making some sense, for once. There will be no significant increase in Covid deaths now or in the near future in Arizona. You are right. We are sick of this pandemic and the government’s effort to destroy all of our liberties. Still, you are too passive and you are sugar coating what you should really be saying, if you had any guts, that is. Covid is a massive plot initiated by those who seek to totally control the planet. Deaths from the vaccine will begin to increase exponentially as we head into the winter. Then there will be the devil to pay with the massive amount of deaths hitting those who “took the soup.” Dr. Mousey and his ilk are beginning to panic because their Delta Blues variant ain’t killing enough people to get the population fearful and locked down again. The Covid-door knockers will be met with disdain and a water balloon if they come knocking on mine. So stop being so cowardly and tell it like it is. You know the deal. Grow some testicular fortitude and tell the truth and stop disappointing me and others who know what’s really going on.
With so many visitors from all over the world constantly passing through, how can we be safe from anything?
Just goes to show what a farce this pandemic is. With a million plus visitors a year one would think Sedona would be a ghost town by now with so many people dead. But it’s not and our Covid cases are amongst the lowest per capita in the country.
Mark my words. This Delta variant is a dud. it will fizzle out. We probably have already reached herd immunity but the pharmacuticals don’t want that messing with their projected profits. You can almost hear Fauci whining that there aren’t enough deaths going around to panic the sheep. Tommy is right, they can’t put Humpty back together again. I wonder how many people are hoping enough people die to prove”science” right.
Forget it. It’s not going to happen. Covid is breathing its last days here in America.
I understand the variants are created by the innoculations?
By the way … he ‘D’ strain is the Indian strain re-named ‘cos India complained.
You’ll love the English variant – no symptoms, doesn’t come up in tests and is not contagious.
The only way we know it exists is ‘cos he BBC says it does.
There’s been more deaths from the COVID vaxxx than all the other vaxxx’s combined over the last 10 years. There is NO number of deaths that will make them stop the vaxxx.
1 out of 12,000 injections results in death at the vaxxx center.
1 out of 12,000 dies within next 24 hours.
You actually don’t walk away from the injection.
Mass deaths coming.
Thanks Tommy. My sister, 4 decades a nurse, infectious disease, infusion, ER etc. A N95 fitted properly and changed at least 4 times a day works pretty well. All the other fancy and designer stuff is a joke. And the plastic splatter shields are a joke, just traps stuff under the shield waiting for you to inhale.
Carry hand sanitizer, don’t touch your face, wash your hands, use common sense. Get on with life.
Vaccine? Personal choice. It’s your body. And stop breathing your own bacteria and CO2. Oxygen a purifier.
This is an excerpt from an informed consent letter to doctors and health care administrators who are injecting the COVID vaxxx into their patients — and who may be personally liable for injuries sustained by individuals from these vaccines should there be any refusal to inform vaccine recipients of these
risks. Any pressure, coercion, or threat of reprisal constitutes reckless endangerment and has a
reasonable expectation of causing personal injury resulting in damages. Throughout world
history, “I just did my job” has never been a defense to forced medical experimentation (or
medicine intentionally lacking informed consent).
Covid-19 vaccines are not approved by the FDA.
The Covid-19 vaccines are only approved under an Emergency Use Authorization, for investigational use only. Covid-19 vaccines lack requisite studies and are not approved medical treatment. The FDA’s guidance on emergency use authorization of medical products requires the FDA to “ensure that recipients are informed to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances … That they have the option to accept or refuse the EUA product …
Title 21, Section 360bbb-3 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the “FD&C Act”) vests the Secretary of Health and Human Services with the permissive authority to grant Emergency Use Authorizations (“EUAs”) providing that appropriate conditions designed to ensure that individuals to whom the product is administered are informed:
1. that the Secretary has authorized the emergency use of the product;
2. of the significant known and potential benefits and risks of such use, and of the extent
to which such benefits and risks are unknown; and
3. of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product, of the consequences, if
any, of refusing administration of the product, and of the alternatives to the product
that are available and of their benefits and risks.
The right to avoid the imposition of human experimentation is fundamental, rooted in the
Nuremberg Code of 1947, has been ratified by the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki, and further
codified in the United States Code of Federal Regulations. In addition to the United States
regarding itself as bound by these provisions, these principles were adopted by the FDA in its
regulations requiring the informed consent of human subjects for medical research. It is unlawful
to conduct medical research, even in the case of an emergency, unless steps are taken to secure
informed consent of all participants.
Vaccine administers have an obligation to inform participants of the adverse events and death which has occurred from these Covid-19 vaccines.
• “potential benefits and risks” of the Covid vaccines, AND
• Of “the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown;” AND
• “of the option to accept or refuse administration of the product,” AND
• “of the alternatives to the vaccine that are available and of their benefits and risks.” 1
Vaccine Administers have Duty to Inform Recipients of Known and Unknown Risks
of the Covid-19 Vaccines
• Based on VAERS as of June 16, 2021, there have been 5,993 deaths reported,
4 and 358,379 adverse events related to the Covid-19 vaccines.
• By comparison, from July 1, 1997, until December 31, 2013, VAERS received 666 adult
death reports for all vaccines.
• In 1976, the US government halted the rollout of the experimental swine flu vaccine for
25 deaths after 55 million people were inoculated.
• The FDA and these pharmaceutical companies allow children 12 years and older to receive
this vaccine, however children were never studied in this trial. Never before in history
have we given medications that were not FDA approved to people who were not initially
studied in the trial. There were no trial patients under the age of 18! They’re
extrapolating the data from adults down to children and adolescents. This is not
acceptable. Children are not little adults. Children have 99.997% survivability from the
• The CDC’s Advisory Committee is meeting in June to address the higher number of
observed than expected myocarditis/pericarditis cases in 16–24-year-olds.” This is
inflammation of the heart. There is no such thing as a “mild case” of heart inflammation.
• Brain injuries after the COVID-19 vaccines are increasingly being reported. Search the
federal government VAERS Database for any diagnostic term such as “dementia” or
“Bell’s Palsy” or “brain bleeding,” sadly the numbers are rising daily.
• A study published by the renowned Cleveland Clinic in Ohio indicates that natural
immunity acquired through prior infection with COVID-19 is stronger than any benefit
conferred by a Vaccine. People that have had Covid in the past and are now recovered,
have a much stronger(10-20x) antibody response to the vaccine. The response is much
too strong and overwhelms the person’s health system.
Medical studies show severe side effects post vaccination in those persons with prior infection of Covid, including lifet hreatening harm. Health professionals have never blanket administered
vaccines without checking for titers first (Hep B, MMR, Varicella, etc.).
• Pregnant persons were not studied in the initial Covid-19 vaccine trials. As such, the
risks/benefits are unknown. The mere fact that there are unknown risks needs to be
communicated to each vaccine recipient.
***You can look up all these facts yourself:
Title 21, Section 360bbb-3 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the “FD&C Act”) 2
3 21 CFR § 50.24
6 Exhibit 5. Pedro L. Moro, Jorge Arana, Mria Cano, Paige Lewis, and Tom T. Shimabukuro, Deaths Reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, United States, 1997-2013, VACCINES, CID 2015:61 (September 2015).
8 June 2, 2021 9 10 11
It’s a good thing our parents made us get the polio vaccine!
The polio vaxxx is another fraud.
Recently, the CDC admitted that more than 98 million Americans received one or more doses of polio vaccine within an 8-year span from 1955-1963 when a proportion of the vaccine was contaminated with a cancer causing polyomavirus called SV40. It has been estimated that 10-30 million Americans could have received an SV40 contaminated dose of the vaccine.
The matter-of-fact disclosure came during discussions of polio vaccines contaminated with SV40 virus which caused cancer in nearly every species infected by injection. Many authorities now admit much, possibly most, of the world’s cancers came from the Salk and Sabin polio vaccines, and hepatitis B vaccines, produced in monkeys and chimps.
Today many people believe that the vaxxx has cured polio and the reason we don’t see polio anymore. Nothing can be further from the truth.
In the 50s, prior to the introduction of the polio vaccine, the majority of reported paralytic polio cases were documented as polio – even if they weren’t confirmed. This means that cases of aseptic (viral) meningitis or other enterovirus infections (typically coxsackie or echo viruses) which can cause transverse myelitis, were documented as polio. Cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which is a known adverse reaction that occurs following vaccination may have also been improperly reported as polio, since they have similar symptoms (demyelination). It’s even been discovered that Franklin D Roosevelt likely had GBS, not polio.
After the introduction of the polio vaccine, they began to test for and confirm suspected or reported cases of polio, thereby distinguishing between cases of polio and the other “polio-like” illnesses. By simply redefining the diagnostic criteria for what would be reported as “polio”, and no longer mislabeling polio-like illnesses as “polio”, this created an artificial drop in polio cases. The documentary “Vaccination: The Hidden Truth” explains how this phenomenon also occurred in South America, showing that after the introduction of the polio vaccine, the reported or “notified” cases of polio actually increased, while the “confirmed” cases declined.
This is one major reason why “anti-vaxxers” take issue with the idea that the polio vaccine eradicated polio.
Nobody’s missing. The 5 are lined up above with their proclamations of doom for those ignoring the Faucis scientists. Each one of these self appointed Sedona tinkers let loose with more proof that there are residents educated all the way to the top of the thimble brained chart. Too bad Tommy has to let them blab away. Add the numbers who’ll die from being vaccinated according to these ninnies. The total of them which outnumbers the population in the state.
Well, well, well. Hello there, Robert. Let’s make a bet. I say the new variant will fizzle. What do you say?
As one who has always respected you, I’m sad for you Tommy. That you would spread ignorance about COVID vaccines to our community, ignorance that might cause the death of even one person in Sedona, should be a burden on your conscience. Please in the future don’t spread this virus to our community, either of the mind or the body.
I feel sorry for people who have been completely brainwashed by the MSM and the lying fraud doctor Fauci. New information comes out every day, none of it supports Fauci’s lies and the reasons for a new lockdown, masks, and vaxxx.
Prof Sucharit Bhakdi MD – New Evidence on SARS-CoV-2:
– Your immune system is your best defence against SARS-CoV-2, all coronaviruses & all variants
– We have already reached herd immunity
– There is no scientific reason to vaccinate against #COVID19
The blubbering idiots just won’t stop.
Not everyone is sharing Hunter’s crack pipe like some here – who must be high in order to believe the MSM lies.
The IMF, WHO and CDC said that, as of July 11, we are now under the law of the NEW WORLD ORDER. Who voted for this? Democrats.
Corporate medicine doesn’t have the best interest of its patients in mind.
They knew that HCQ was curative, The Lancet lied about HCQ, they had to get it banned to get the Emergency Use Authorization.
BlackRock is the single largest shareholder of The Lancet’s publisher and one of the largest shareholders of both Pfizer and Moderna.
They know what Ivermectin is curative. But it is also a generic drug, that had been around for fifty years, so all of a sudden it’s dangerous. In reality it is as safe as Aspirin and safer than Tylenol.
Big medicine doesn’t care about people it cares about the kickbacks from big Pharma.
The CDC takes in millions of dollars a year from the pharmaceutical companies. the CDC’s own website numbers show that a child under 18 is fifty times more likely die from the jab than the virus. And yet the CDC recommended it for children. And because of that schools are requiring it.
The medical community stakeholders that the CDC and NIH care about are corporate medicine big pharma and its patented drugs. All their patients are to them are profit centers, a vaccine that creates more profit centers isn’t a bug it’s a feature
These people are evil. Avoid the jab and live in FREEDOM.
Just because people are sick of something does not make it go away. Preventive measures helps not only the individual but the society as a whole.
Eat well, sleep well, take vitamin D.
Take HCQ if you’re around those with the flu.
Take off the masks – oxygen is a purifier – stop breathing in your disgarded toxins.
Get outside in the sun and exercise everyday.
These are the best preventative measures you can take.
Dont take the vaxxx – they have been proven to be potentially deadly.
I am not afraid of getting the flu.
I am not afraid of the deadly vaxxx because I won’t take it.
I am more afraid of the fraud going on in Arizona today – it is clear that Maricopa County audit that we are living in one nation under fraud.
They can not explain away all of this with snarky tweets
* 74,243 mail in ballots were received but there’s no record of them being sent out
* 18K people who voted were removed from the voter rolls shortly after the election
* 168K ballots were printed on different paper
* Maricopa County election system was breached
* Maricopa County system hasn’t had security updates since the Dominion machines were put in place in August of 2019,
* Maricopa County refuses to turn over envelope images for signature verification on mail in ballots
* Maricopa County refuses to turn over the routers
* 25K duplicate ballots
* 3,981 people voted despite registering after the October 15th deadline
* 11,236 voted who were not on the voter rolls on November 7th, but were on December 4th
* 37K log in attempts on a single day, designed to remove previous log in attempts
Plus the audit does not address the role dishonest postal workers played
I would like to see the same audit done in Yavapai County because there’s no way that those were deemed elected did so without FRAUD.
Hey JB
If you have to tell people “how awake “ you are your ASLEEP”! You sound like a very small minded ANGRY… EGO driven Unaccomplished individual. WAKE UP WACKO. Or enjoy the “ego mind trip” your taking yourself on. Lol
@Rose Trimble
It always amazes me when I see so many sheep believing all the main stream BS, gaslighting, and lies.
We’ll see if you change your tune by the end of August. Until then, I hope you get the message to stock up, fill up your gas tank and keep your powder dry — do this by July 26th.
Until then, take your vaxxx. We could use less idiots in this world.
As I said “I am awake”aka JB
If you were truly awake you wounldnt have to tell us!!!what a phony!!
Ok WACKO.. your last post proved my point about how mentally Challenged you are.
FYI I don’t buy into all BS on the news… certainly not buying in to your nonsense put out by some far left head case like yourself.
Why some commenters would prefer death or passing Covid to their loved ones rather than getting a jab is just incredible stupidity.
There is one reason and one reason only why I will not vaccinate. I don’t trust the government. We have been lied to, too many times. They did not test it long enough. Every day more and more people who were vaccinated are getting sick or dying. I will wait until at least a year has passed before even considering it. And if I should, I would shirk the mRNA shots and take the JJ one. We shall see.
The COVID vaccines have not been FDA approved and are experimental.
We simply do not know what will happen when you inject yourself with known toxins because there’s no transparency, but we do know that the body was never meant to have a spiked protein.
As far as the JJ shot, I urge extreme caution. Not only does it cause deadly blood clots, it also can create a fatal autoimmune disorder (that isn’t all that rare = about 60% of those taking COVID vaxx’s are experiencing severe side effects..
It is alarming to me that so many have lined up to take the jab without doing any research at all into the fact that they do not work and many have been injured or died from the shot.
Do they hate their lives, their children and their neighbors so much that they refuse to educate themselves before rolling up their sleeves?
In 2004, a flu vaccine was taken off the market after 400 people were injured or died. Today, 46,000 people died from the COVID jab in 3 days, but the shot is being pushed to children and required in many states before school starts. This, after everyone sees that a plane full of democrats became super-spreaders despite the fact they have been double jabbed.
A recent study showed that nearly 65% of those with the COVID jab developed blood clots, earning the jab the name of clotshot by younger people on social media. Blood clots can cause a lot of problems, including death.
Should someone be injured by the shot, the pharmaceutical companies can not be held liable. To care for a vaccine injured person could cost their families millions over the course of their lifetime, and the family will have to endure not only the heartbreak of a loved one becoming disabled, but probably bankruptcy as well.
Those getting the jab think they are doing so to “get back to normal,” but there’s no going back at this point.
Avoid the jab. Stay healthy.
Those two burrows in the pictures above suggest that it is actually Archie and JB discussing their strategy for promoting more lunatic posts to prove in the absence of facts that vaccinations are causing all those alleged deaths they claim are taking place.
The pix will forever remind me that the Archies and JBs are still at it. That’s because it only takes two burrows together having so much more brain power than JB and Mendez.