Sedona AZ (March 10, 2020) – A Hopi Foster Care information program will be held at Sedona Public Library on March 13, from 1 – 2:30 pm.
Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects, a Verde Valley based non-profit service group since 1999, has invited Hopi Social Services staff to speak about their Hopi Foster Care program to our area Verde Valley community. Brenda Patterson, Interim Clinical Supervisor, and Lorene Vincente, Foster Care Social Worker, will discuss their role in protecting children, types of trauma, and counseling services at Hopi and for Hopi foster children living off the reservation in Arizona and in other states. They will speak of the difference between the Hopi Court and the Arizona State Court.

Lorene Vincente says cultural conditions at Hopi and the Indian Child Welfare Act make it harder to reach permanent placement for the older Hopi children. Thus, Hopi children may be in foster care for many years. Hopi Social Services faces challenges of an insufficient budget and is dependent on outside resources to help meet the needs of the children.
“In our years of providing equipment and supplies in support of Hopi foster children we have been deeply impressed with the hard work, the heart, the long hours and fierce dedication of the Hopi Social Services team!,” says Sandra Cosentino, Crossing Worlds Hopi Projects director.
For more information: website is