Sedona AZ (April 22, 2012) – WoonKi, meaning circulation and vibration of energy, is activated through one meridian point at the very top of the head. One acupuncture needle at this point stimulates all the areas of the body. Combining this single needle acupuncture with gentle rhythmic Brain Wave Vibration exercise and special breathing technique helps open all the channels of the body to induce balance and a sense of harmonious peace. This simple form of acupuncture alleviates many ailments. All diseases are the result of stagnated energy in the meridians. As the method opens brain-body energy channels, you experience circulation of energy throughout your entire body. In your brain, chemicals are released to improve immune function, relieve pain, strengthen organs and create a sense of well-being.
Woon Ki Acupuncture can open every meridian with just one needle. It’s a powerful method of Acupuncture that is painless and effective.
- SAT. May 12th from 1:00pm to 2:30pm
- At the BR Clinic-340 Jordan Rd
- Tel: 928-567-7897 Fee: $10
Banya Lim is a nationally licensed acupuncturist, who continues a family tradition of oriental healing. Banya specializes in the movement of Ki-energy for the integrated healing of body, mind,and spirit. Banya is a director of BR Clinic and IBE (Institute of Brain Education) and an advisor at the IBREA(International Brain Education Association)