Sedona AZ (June 1, 2020) – The city of Sedona encourages residents to be aware of Arizona Governor Doug Ducey’s Declaration of Emergency that enacts an 8 p.m. curfew beginning May 31, 2020 until June 8, 2020, and provides cities with the ability to protect against potential unrest and ensure that any protests are peaceful.
Although Sedona has not seen the type of looting and destruction of property that other cities have, the declaration gives law enforcement an additional tool in the event it’s needed. However, there are exemptions to the curfew that include:
- traveling directly to and from work
- attending religious services
- commercial trucking and delivery services
- obtaining food
- caring for a family member, friend or animal
- patronizing or operating private businesses
- seeking medical care or fleeing dangerous circumstances
- travel for any of the above services
Today’s declaration also authorizes an expanded National Guard mobilization to protect life and property throughout the state.
“The events leading up to today have been tragic. In these very trying times, many people are hurting. We ask our residents to come together and focus on civil discourse, and if protesting, to do so peacefully and in line with the Governor’s declaration,” said Sedona Mayor Sandy Moriarty.
“The intent of the Governor’s declaration is not to impose on people going about their daily, peaceful lives, but to function as a tool for early intervention if needed. We do not expect to see any civil unrest here, but if it does occur, we’re prepared,” said Sedona Police Chief Charles Husted.
The curfew is in place from 8 p.m. until 5 a.m. Read the entire Declaration of Emergency here.