Verde Valley News – Between 75 and 100 cords of firewood located north of Flagstaff will be available to collect for free beginning Thursday morning.
The Little Springs free use fuelwood area is located northwest of Highway 180. It can be accessed by following Forest Road 151 north for 1.5 miles before taking a slight left onto Forest Road 418. After 1 mile, the area will be located on the right.
Only dead and down Ponderosa pine may be collected from this free use area, which includes slash piles from a recent timber sale contract.
Collection areas are clearly marked. Free use permits are needed to collect wood, and can be obtained by calling or visiting the Coconino National Forest’s Flagstaff Ranger District or Supervisor’s Office.
Free use permits are separate from personal use paid permits. Free use permits are valid only for collection within the designated area. Free use permits allow the cutting of up to five cords of dead and down wood in specified areas, and a maximum of five cords per household per year is allowed under free use.
Permit-holders are asked to keep safety in mind and be considerate of other forest visitors.
There is one road into the landing, and vehicle drivers are asked to be mindful when parking and refrain from blocking access to the road.
Wood is stacked into large and unstable slash piles, and there is a large amount of slash remaining on the ground. It is suggested that vehicle drivers walk their path of travel prior to driving to reduce the threat of vehicle damage.
Those collecting wood are also asked to place uncollected wood back into slash piles.