Sedona AZ (March 19, 2018) – Healthy World Sedona, a Sedona-based nonprofit organization is sponsoring a community forum in collaboration with the co-founders of the Healthy Minds Initiative, Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, on Monday, April 9, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Sedona Creative Life Center, 333 Schnebly Hill Rd., Sedona.
The forum will focus on what individuals and communities can do to support brain health, and prevent brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s, Stroke and Parkinson’s disease.
Dean and Ayesha Sherzai are physicians and researchers specializing in Neurology, and in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. They are the co-directors of the Brain Health and Alzheimer’s Prevention Program at the Loma Linda University Medical Center, where they have been conducting groundbreaking research on how these devastating conditions and other neurodegenerative diseases can be prevented and, in the early stages, even reversed. They summarize their research and approach in their book, The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age, Harper Collins, 2017.
Through their “Healthy Minds Initiative”, the Sherzais are committed to bringing their model to local communities. Their purpose is both to educate individuals about what they can do to protect their own brain health, and also to help communities take actions that support the ongoing brain health of their citizens. To have the greatest impact on preventing dementia in a locale, they establish an ongoing relationship with communities that are committed to the wellness of their population, and work with local leaders to create “brain healthy” communities.
The April 9th forum will be an opportunity for individuals and community leaders to learn about the Sherzais’ research regarding brain health, and to explore what would be involved for Sedona and other Northern Arizona communities to become brain healthy.
Cost for the half-day forum is $75 per person, or $50 for members and staff of Supporting Organizations. All the proceeds of the event will go towards the Healthy Minds Initiative. Supporting organizations include: The Sedona Community Center, Sedona Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau, Verde Valley Caregivers Coalition, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, Northern Arizona Healthcare, Northern Arizona University, NACOG Area Agency on Aging, Mental Health Coalition of Verde Valley, Rotary Club of Sedona, Sedona Philosophy Experience, and Sedona Public Library.
In addition to the Forum, the Sedona Public Library will host a free book discussion with the Sherzais from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. on April 9th in the Community Room at 3250 White Bear Rd., Sedona.
For more information and registration, go to or call (928) 821-6754.